1) The Moral Psychology of St. Thomas Aquinas: An Introduction to Ragamuffin Ethics (St. Louis, Mo.: En Route Books & Media, 2017)
2) A Not-So-Elementary Christian Metaphysics, Vol. 2 (St. Louis, Mo.: En Route Books & Media, 2016)
3) A Not-So-Elementary Christian Metaphysics, Vol. 1 (St. Louis, Mo.: En Route Books & Media second printing, 2015)
4) A Not-So-Elementary Christian Metaphysics, Vol. 1 (Manitou Springs, CO: Socratic Press, 2012)
5) Polish translation of Wisdom’s Odyssey from Philosophy to Transcendental Sophistry (Lublin: Wydawnictwo Instytut Edukacji Narodowej publishing house, 2003)
6) How to Read a Difficult Book, by the Great Books Academy, Socratic Press (reprint, 2003)
7) Masquerade of the Dream Walkers: Prophetic Theology from the Cartesians to Hegel. (Amsterdam and Atlanta: Editions Rodopi B.V.,1998)
8) Wisdom’s Odyssey from Philosophy to Transcendental Sophistry (Amsterdam and Atlanta: Editions Rodopi B.V., 1997)
9) Cartesian Nightmare: An Introduction to Transcendental Sophistry (Amsterdam and Atlanta: Editions Rodopi B.V., 1997)
10) The Moral Wisdom of Thomas (Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1982)
11) A Simplified Introduction to the Wisdom of Thomas (Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1982)
Edited Works
1) Angelicum Academy Great Books Study Guides, 8 vols, ed.-in-chief Joseph Pearce, associate ed. Peter A. Redpath (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2013), (over 1600 pp.) Extensively edited selections on Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, St. Thomas Aquinas, Maimonides, Galileo, and Darwin.
2) A Thomistic Tapestry: Essays in Memory of Etienne Gilson, ed. Peter A. Redpath (Amsterdam and Atlanta: Editions Rodopi, B.V., 2003
3) Charles B. Crowley, Aristotelian-Thomistic Metaphysics and the International System of Units (SI), ed. with a prescript by Peter A. Redpath (Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1996)
4) From Twilight to Dawn: The Cultural Vision of Jacques Maritain (Notre Dame and London: Distributed for the American Maritain Association by the University of Notre Dame Press, 1990)
Academic Articles:
1) "Why Gilson. Why Now." Inauguration Address, International Étienne Gilson Society, sponsored by Civitas Christiana, Warsaw, Poland, 18 April 2008:
2) "What is the Future of Catholic Media in the US in the Twenty-first Century?", College of Social and Media Culture, Torun, Poland, 21 November 2009:
3) "Petrarch’s Dream and the Modern Project: A Chapter Gilson did not Write," Pleanary session address, sponsored by the Chair of the Philosophy of Culture, "Man In Culture Conference," The Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland, 16 April 2002.
4) "Thomist Realism, Humanism, and Recovering Philosophy in Our Time” in Instituto Universitario Virtual Santo Tomas (Fundación Balmesiana–Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, 2003)
6) "Gilson as Christian Humanist": Plenary Session address, sponsored by the Chair of the Philosophy of Culture, "Man In Culture Conference," The Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland, 13 May 2011
in classical philosophical journal, Studia Gilsoniana 1 (2012), pp. 53–63[1].pdf, pp. 53 to 63
7) "A Philosophical Call to Renew American Culture: The Homeschooling Renaissance,” in Classical Homeschooling Magazine, 2 (2001)
8) "The Importance of Gilson," in classical philosophical journal, Studia Gilsoniana 1 (2012), pp. 45–52[1].pdf
9) "Postmodern Civilization at the Crossroads:Ruminations on the Possibilities of Recovering Our Philosophical Reason in the Hope of Avoiding Postmodernity’s Slaughterhouse::
10) "Quo Vadis, John Deely?: Reflections on Deely as Teiresias and Sign as Intensive Quantity," in The American Journal of Semiotics 21, nn. 1–4 (2005), pp. 29–42
11) “Technology’s Two Faces: Cultural Sign or Handmaiden to Dictatorship,” Kultura wobek techniki [Culture and Technology], ed Piotr Jaroszyński et al. (Lublin, Poland: Fundacja Rozwoju Kultury Polskiej, 2004), pp. 31–44
12) “Philosophy as a Necessary Condition of Professional Formation for Educating Together for Communion in Catholic Colleges and Universities,” International Congress on Catholic Education, Wyzsza Szkola Kultury Spolecznej i Medialnej (Academy of Social and Media Culture), Torun, Poland, 23 November 2008.
13) "Realia Plenary Address 2005"
14) "Globalization, Nationalism, and the Present US Immigration Troubles"
15) "Max Weismann Eulogy: One of God's Great Ideas"
16) "Ending the Separation between Philosophy and Science"
17) “Philosophy or the Postmodern Slaughterhouse,” Institute of International Relations, Nicolaus Copernicus State University, Torun, Poland, 9 October 2006
18) "Recovering Philosophical Talk about Good and Evil in International Affairs"
19) "The Donald Trump Phenomenon and the Identify of the West in the Face of Global Migrations,"Plenary Session address, sponsored by the Chair of the Philosophy of Culture, "Man In Culture Conference," The Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland, 17 May 2016
20) "Secularized Fundamentalism and the Current Leadership Deficit in Our Political Class"
21) "Political Media: Guard-dogs of Individual Liberty, or Totalitarian Lapdogs?
22) "God, the Professors, and the Islamization of Europe"
23) "Contemporary Technology: Our Greatest Marvel, or Faustian Bargain?"
24) “Understanding the Current Revolution in Western Higher Education: How We Got Here and Where We are Headed,” festschrift for Henryk Kiereś, Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland (2013)
25) “Justice in the New World Order: Reduction of Justice to Tolerance in the New Totalitarian World State,” Telos, fall 201
26) “An Academic Replies to Pope Benedict XVI’s Regensburg and Catholic University of America Addresses,” in Anthology of Papers of the Catholic Academy of Sciences in the USA, ed. Lee T. Grady (Washington, DC: The Catholic Academy of Sciences in the USA,2010), pp. 133–142
27) “Platonic Reflections upon Four Ages of Understanding, in Semiotica 179 (2010), pp. 83–10
28) “A Modest Proposal for Resolving the Apparently Never-ending Evolution Debate: Reconsidering the Question,” Contemporary Philosophy 29, nn. 1–2 (2009)
29) “Recovering Philosophical Talk about Evil in International Affairs,” in Contemporary Philosophy 29, nn 3–4 (2009)
30) “Sign as a Kind of Opposition,” in John N. Deely and Leonard Sbrocchi, Semiotics 2008 (Ottawa, Canada: Legas Publishing, 2009)
31) “Maritain’s Philosophy of Religion,” chapter on Jacques Maritain included in “History of the Philosophy of Religion.” ed. Graham Oppy and Nick Trakakis, Monash (Oxford: Oxford University Press/Acumen Publishers, 2009), 5 vols
32) “Darwinian Fundamentalism,” trans. into Polish by Paweł Tarasiewicz, in Evolutionism and Creationism (Ewolucjonizm czy kreacjonizm), (Lublin: Fundajca Lubelska Szkoł Filofii Chrześcijańskiej), 2008. pp. 93–104
33) “Learning as Recollection: A Thomistic Approach to Recovering Higher Education,” into Polish by Paweł Tarasiewicz, in In Defense of Realism (W obronie realizmu), (Lublin: Fundajca Lubelska Szkoł Filofii Chrześcijańskiej) 2007, pp. 265–276
34) “Foreword” and “Afterword” to discussion articles by Edward Ryan and Adrian Pabst on “Metaphysical Criminology and Post-Secular Metaphysics,” in Contemporary Philosophy, spring 2007
35) “Invisible Hands in the New World Order: Reflections on Metaphysics, Science, Religion, and Politics in the Postmodern Era,” in Piotr Jaroszynski (ed-in-chief), Polityka a religia (Lublin, Poland: Fundaja Lubleska Szkola Filosofii Chrzescijanskiej, 2006), pp. 33–46
36) “The Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Catholic Politician Today: Reply to Brendan Sweetman,” in Piotr Jaroszynski (ed-in-chief), Czlowiek I państwo [Man and the State] (Lublin, Poland: Fundaja Lubleska Szkola Filosofii Chrzescijanskiej, 2006), pp. 77–82
37) “The Nature of American Patriotism,” in Cywilizacja, trans. into Polish by Imelda Chlodna (Lublin, Poland: Institut Edukacji Narodowej Fundacja, 2006), pp. 168–172
38) “Gabriel Marcel and the Recovery of Philosophy in Our Time” special Gabriel Marcel issue of the American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 80, n. 3 (2006), pp. 343–353
39) “Etienne Gilson as Philosophical Prophet,” in Czlowiek w kulturze [Man in Culture], (Lublin, Poland: Fundaja Lubleska Szkola Filosofii Chrzescijanskiej, 2005)
40) “The Metaphysical Foundations of the Ethics of Commerce,” in Nicholas Capaldi (ed.), Business and Religion: A Clash of Civilizations (Salem, Mass.: M & M Scrivener Press, 2005), pp. 102–110.
41) “Quo Vadis, John Deely?: Reflections on Deely as Teiresias and Sign as Intensive Quantity,” in The American Journal of Semiotics 21, nn. 1–4 (2005), pp. 29–42
42) “Classical Philosophy of Elementary Education,” trans. into Polish by Paweł Tarasiewicz, in Filosofia i edikacja,, (Lublin: Fundajca Lubelska Szkoł Filofii Chrześcijańskiej), 2005, pp. 23–31
43) “Toward a Classical Catholic Philosophy of Elementary Education,” paper presented at plenary session paper of The Third International Congress Organized by the Chair of the Philosophy of Culture, Catholic University of Lublin, in Czlowiek w kulturze [Man in Culture] (Lublin: Fundaja Lubleska Szkola Filosofii Chrzescijanskiej, 2005)
44) “A Contemporary Reflection on Hesiod on the Dignity of Work,” in Czlowiek w kulturze [Man in Culture], (Lublin, Poland: Fundaja Lubleska Szkola Filosofii Chrzescijanskiej, 2005
45) “The Italian Humanism of Paul Piccone,” in philosophy journal Telos 36:2 (Summer 2005), pp. 79–82
46) “County Leaders Need Better Reasons to Justify Behavior in Mass Evictions,” in New York Newsday’s “Sunday Opinion,” section. Written at the invitation of Sunday Opinion Editor Leslie Seifert, 10 July 2005
47) “The Cardinal Moral Virtues and the Separation of Church and State,” in Contemporary Philosophy, 36:3 and 4 (journal actually published is fall 2005, but lists publication as of spring 2004) pp. 38–44, 8 notes.
48) “Catholic Education to Adulthood,” in The Good News, Catholic Education Foundation Newsletter 1 and 2 (Spring 2004)
49) “Why Double Effect and Proportionality are not Moral Principles for Thomas,” Vera Lex (winter 2004)
50) “Postmodern Civilization at the Crossroads,” in Czlowiek w kulturze [Man in Culture], (Lublin, Poland: Fundaja Lubleska Szkola Filosofii Chrzescijanskiej, 2004), pp. 15–29
51) “Philosophical Realism, Classical Metaphysics, and the Contemporary World,” in Metaphysical and Mystical Review/Revista de Metafísica y Mística (Rome, 2003)
52) “Petrarch’s Dream and the Modern Project: A Chapter Gilson did not Write,” published in Poland under the title “Marzenie Petrarki I nowoczesny projekt: rozdzxiat ktrego Gilson nie napisat,” in Czlowiek w kulturze [Man in Culture], trans. Pawel Tarasiewicz, (Lublin: Fundaja Lubleska Szkola Filosofii Chrzescijanskiej, 2004)
53) “The Ideal of a University: A Philosophical Consideration in Light of Modern Educational Revolutions,” in Classical Homeschooling, 2003
54) “Thomist Humanism, Realism, and Retrieving Philosophy in Our Time,” in Proceedings of the September 2003 International Congress of The Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas and the International St. Thomas Aquinas Society, “Christian Humanism in the Third Millennium,” The Angelicum (Dominican College), Rome, Italy, 22 September 2003
55) “Petrarch’s Dream and the Failed Modern Project: A Chapter Gilson did not Write” [this paper is a revised version of my talk “Petrarch’s Dream and the Modern Project: A Chapter Gilson did not Write,” presented at the Pontifical Catholic University of Lublin, in April 2002, redacted for a wider English reading audience]
56) “Gracia and His Task,” in What are We to Understand Gracia to Mean?, ed. Robert A. Delfino, (Amsterdam and New York: Editions Rodopi, B.V., 2003)
57) “Petrarch’s Dream and the Failed Modern Project: A Chapter Gilson Did not Write,” Part 1 of 2, in Contemporary Philosophy, 25, nn. 5-6 (2003), pp. 3–9.
58) “Petrarch’s Dream and the Failed Modern Project: A Chapter Gilson Did not Write,” Part 2 of 2, in Contemporary Philosophy, 25, nn. 5-6 (2003), pp. 52–57
59) “11 September 2001 and the Ghost of Averroes” Przyszlosc Cywilizacji Zachodu. I Miedzynarodowd Symposizjum organizowane przez Katedre “Filozofii Kultury KUL, 11.04.2001 [The Future of Western Civilization: The First International Congress Organized by the Chair of the Philosophy of Culture, Catholic University of Lublin, 11 April 2002], in Man in Culture, trans. Pawel Tarasiewicz (Lublin: Oficyna Hieronima, 2003), pp. 43–56
60) “The Origin of Encyclopedias and the Battle of the Arts,” in Czlowiek w kulturze [Man in Culture], (Lublin: Fundaja Lubleska Szkola Filosofii Chrzescijanskiej, 2002), pp. 137–149
61) “Post-postmodern Science and Religion: A Critique,” in International Journal on World Peace, 18, n. 1 (March 2001), pp. 61–90.
62) “Virtue as Intensive Quantity in Aristotle,” in Contemporary Philosophy. 18, nn. 1-2 (2001), pp. 3–15
63) Anti-Semitism as an Enlightenment Metaphysical Principle,” in Contemporary Philosophy, 18, nn. 3-4 (2001), pp. 3–13
64) “The Ideal of a University: A Philosophical Consideration in Light of Modern Educational Revolutions,” 4 (2004)
65) “A Philosophical Call to Renew American Culture: The Homeschooling Renaissance,” in Classical Homeschooling Magazine, 2 (2001)
66) “The Homeschool Renaissance and the Battle of the Arts, 2 (2001)
67) “Learning as Recollection: A Thomistic Approach to Recovering Higher Education,” Classical Homeschooling Magazine, 1, n. 2 (2000)
68) “Contest of Millenialist Inspirations,” in Contemporary Philosophy, 23, nn. 5-6 (2001), pp. 34–40
69) “Sophistry and the State,” in Contemporary Philosophy, 23, nn. 5-6 (1999), pp. 64–69
70) “From Sophistic Animism to Philosophy,” in Contemporary Philosophy, 20, nn. 3–4 (1998), pp. 36–43
71) “Philosophy and the Future of Higher Education,” in Contemporary Philosophy, 19, nn. 4–5 (1997), pp. 46–52
72) “Private Morality and Public Enforcement,” in Freedom Virtue and the Common Good, ed. Curtis L. Hancock and Anthony O. Simon, (Notre Dame Indiana, University of Notre Dame Press, 1995), pp. 332–341
73) “Are There Non-Natural Law Views of Rights and Responsibilities,” in Contemporary Philosophy, 17, n. 4 (1995), 5–10
74) “Romance of Wisdom: The Friendship between Jacques Maritain and Saint Thomas Aquinas,” Deal W. Hudson and Matthew J. Mancini, Understanding Maritain: Philosopher and Friend (Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press, 1987), pp. 91-113; favorably reviewed by Frederick C. Copleston, J., in The Heythrop Journal, 32, n. 3 (1991), p. 444
75) “The Nature of Democratic Authority,” in Contemporary Philosophy, 16, n. 1, 1994, pp. 7–10
76) “The New World Disorder: A Crisis of Philosophical Identity,” in Contemporary Philosophy, 16, n. 6, (1994), pp. 19–24
77) “The Unity of Thomistic Experience "A Gilsonian Rejoinder to Gerald McCool, S.J.,” in Thomistic Papers VI, ed. John F. X. Knasas (Houston: Center for Thomistic Studies, University of St. Thomas, 1994), pp. 69–90
78) “Anti-semitism, Capitalism, and Democracy,” Jacques Maritain and the Jews, ed. Robert Royal (Notre Dame: Distributed for the American Maritain Association by the University of Notre Dame Press, 1994), pp. 228–245
79) “Saving the Academic Soul: the ‘Fallacy of Misplaced Historicity,’ the Wisdom of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, and the Via Media,” in Measure, 106 (1992), 1, and 8–11
80) “Looting Democratic Capitalism” in Crisis, November 1992, pp. 8–10
81) “Poetic Revenge and Modern Totalitarianism,” in From Twilight to Dawn: The Cultural Vision of Jacques Maritain (Notre Dame and London: Distributed for the American Maritain Association by the University of Notre Dame Press, 1990), pp. 227–240
82) “The Analogy of religious Expression in Aquinas and Postel,” in Postello, Venezia e il suo mondo, ed. Marion L. Kuntz (Florence, Italy: Leo Olschki, 1988), pp. 281–290
83) “Bergsonian Recollections in Maritain,” Jacques Maritain: The Man and His Metaphysics, ed. John f. X. Knasas (Notre Dame and London: University of Notre Dame Press, 1988)
84) “Ethics: The Science of Political Leadership,” in Contemporary Philosophy 10, n. 7 (1985), pp. 18–19
85) “Romance of Wisdom: The Friendship between Jacques Maritain and Saint Thomas Aquinas,” in Understanding Maritain, ed. Deal W. Hudson and Matthew Mancini (Atlanta: Mercer University Press, 1987), pp. 91–113
86) “Classifying the Moral Teaching of Thomas,” in The Medieval Tradition of Natural Law, ed. Harold J. Johnson, Kalamazoo, Michigan: Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, 1987), pp. 137–148
87) “Nominalism in the Moral Teaching of Hobbes,” in Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Sanctandreani, ed. I. D. McFarlane (Binghampton, New York: Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 1986), pp. 471–479
88) “The Method of Moral Reasoning,” in Contemporary Philosophy, 11, n. 2 (1986), pp. 2–4
89) “Moral Relativism and Emotional Health,” in Contemporary Philosophy, 10, 7 (1985), pp.19–20
90) “Justifying Moral Systems,” in Contemporary Philosophy, 8, 7 (1981), pp. 6–9
91) “Toward a Viable World Order,” in Contemporary Philosophy, 8, n. 4 (1980), pp. 15–16
92) "History as the Laboratory of Philosophy," in TELOSscope, Friday, March 20, 2015:
Paper presented at the 2015 Telos Conference, held on February 13–15, 2015, in New York City.
Book (KsiąĪka)
Odyseja mądroĞci. Od filozofii do transcendentalnej sofistyki,
Wáum. Marcin Pieczyrak, Fundacja Rozwoju Kultury Polskiej,
Lublin (2003)
Academic Articles (Artykuáy naukowe)
1) 11 wrzeĞnia 2001 i „duch” Awerroesa, táum. ks. Paweá Tarasiewicz,
w: PrzyszáRĞü cywilizacji Zachodu, red. P. JaroszyĔski i
in., Fundacja Rozwoju Kultury Polskiej, Lublin, s. 43–56 (2003)
2) Geneza encyklopedii a walka sztuk, „Czáowiek w Kulturze” 15,
s. 137–149
3) Sofistyka i nowoczesne paĔstwo zachodnie, táum. ks. Paweá Tarasiewicz,
„Czáowiek w Kulturze” 15, s. 349–361 (2003)
4) Dwa oblicza technologii: przejaw kultury czy narzĊdzie dyktatury,
táum. ks. Paweá Tarasiewicz, w: Kultura wobec techniki, red.
P. JaroszyĔski i in., Fundacja Rozwoju Kultury Polskiej, Lublin,
s. 31–44 (2004)
5) Postmodernistyczna Europa na rozdroĪu, táum. ks. Paweá Tarasiewicz,
„Czáowiek w Kulturze” 16, s. 15–29 (2004)
6) Metafizyka i sztuka wedáug Piotra JaroszyĔskiego, táum. ks. Paweá
Tarasiewicz, „Czáowiek w Kulturze” 16, s. 271–279 (2004)
7) Filozofia edukacji elementarnej, táum. ks. Paweá Tarasiewicz, w:
Filozofia i edukacja, red. P. JaroszyĔski i in., Fundacja „Lubelska
Szkoáa Filozofii ChrzeĞcijaĔskiej”, Lublin, s. 23–31 (2005)
8) GodnoĞü pracy w ujĊciu Hezjoda – wspóáczesne refleksje, táum.
ks. Paweá Tarasiewicz, „Czáowiek w Kulturze” 17, s. 19–31 (2005)
9) Byü katolickim politykiem dziĞ – plusy i minusy. W odpowiedzi
Brendanowi Sweetmanowi, táum. Artur Szutta, w: Czáowiek i
paĔstwo, red. P. JaroszyĔski i in., Fundacja „Lubelska Szkoáa Filozofii
ChrzeĞcijaĔskiej”, Lublin, s. 77–83 (2006)
10) Niewidzialne rĊce i nowy Ğwiatowy áad. RozwaĪania o metafizyce,
nauce, religii i polityce w epoce postmodernizmu, táum.
Agnieszka Lekka-Kowalik, w: Polityka a religia, red. P. JaroszyĔski
i in., Fundacja „Lubelska Szkoáa Filozofii ChrzeĞcijaĔ-
skiej”, Lublin, s. 33–46 (2007)
11) Uczenie siĊ jako przypominanie sobie: tomistyczna droga odzyskania
ksztaácenia na poziomie wyĪszym, táum. Rafaá Lizut,
„Czáowiek w Kulturze” 19, s. 265–275 (2007)
12) Fundamentalizm darwinowski, táum. ks. Paweá Tarasiewicz, w:
Ewolucjonizm czy kreacjonizm, red. P. JaroszyĔski i in., Fundacja
„Lubelska Szkoáa Filozofii ChrzeĞcijaĔskiej”, Lublin, s. 93–
103 (2008)
13) SprawiedliwoĞü w Nowym Porządku ĝwiata: redukcja sprawiedliwoĞci
do tolerancji w Nowym Totalitarnym PaĔstwie ĝwiatowym,
táum. Piotr JaroszyĔski, w: SprawiedliwoĞü – idee a rzeczywistoĞü,
red. P. JaroszyĔski i in., Fundacja „Lubelska Szkoáa
Filozofii ChrzeĞcijaĔskiej”, Lublin, s. 27–36 (2009)
14) Rola filozofii w ksztaáceniu wyĪszym w szkoáach katolickich,
Wáum. Rafaá Lizut, w: Edukacja katolicka: szanse i zagroĪenia,
red. Krzysztof BieliĔski, CSsR, Wydawnictwo WSKSIM, ToruĔ,
s. 67–71 (2009)
15) PrzyszáRĞü mediów katolickich w Ameryce w XXI wieku, táum.
Rafaá Lizut, w: Media katolickie: szanse i zagroĪenia, red.
Krzysztof BieliĔski, CSsR, Wydawnictwo WSKSIM, ToruĔ, s.
180–191 (2010)
16) NieĞwiĊta Trójca wspóáczesnego terroryzmu: Utopijne marzenia,
samoofiarowanie i systemowe záo, táum. ks. Paweá Tarasiewicz,
w: Terroryzm – dawniej i dziĞ, red. P. JaroszyĔski i in., Fundacja
„Lubelska Szkoáa Filozofii ChrzeĞcijaĔskiej” i Wydawnictwo
KUL, Lublin, s. 33–41 (2010)
17) Dlaczego wspóáczeĞni politycy katoliccy w Ameryce są tak sáabi
i maáo skuteczni?, táum. Rafaá Lizut, w: Katolicy i polityka:
szanse i zagroĪenia, red. Krzysztof BieliĔski, CSsR, Wydawnictwo
WSKSIM, ToruĔ, s. 94–99 (2011)
18) Od tolerancji do totalitaryzmu: „wspóáczucie” a zachodni neofaszyzm,
táum. Piotr JaroszyĔski, w: Totalitaryzm – jawny czy
ukryty?, red. P. JaroszyĔski i in., Fundacja „Lubelska Szkoáa Filozofii
ChrzeĞcijaĔskiej” i Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin, s. 7–16 (2011)
19) Natura autorytetu demokratycznego, táum. ks. Paweá Tarasiewicz,
„Czáowiek w Kulturze” 22, s. 115–126 (2011/2012)
20) Globalizacja, nacjonalizm i wspóáczesne problemy imigracyjne
Stanów Zjednoczonych, táum. ks. Paweá Tarasiewicz, „Czáowiek
w Kulturze” 23, s. 47–61 (2013)
21) Wspóáczesna nauka a totalitaryzm: znaczenie dla KUL, polskiego
Narodu i Zachodu, táum. ks. Paweá Tarasiewicz, „Czáowiek w
Kulturze” 25, s. 19–26 (2015)
Academic Interviews (Wywiad akademicki)
Wywiad z prof. Peterem Redpathem (rozmawiaá ks. Paweá Tarasiewicz),
„Czáowiek w Kulturze” 15, s. 211–217 (2003)
Newspaper Articles (Artykuáy publicystyczne)
1) Wybitny filozoficzny gigant wraca do Domu Ojca, „Nasz Dziennik”
(13 maja 2008)
2) Obama i podrĊcznik dla socjalistów (rozmawia Anna Wiejak),
„NajwyĪszy czas!” (13 listopada 2008),
3) Globalizacja a wspóáczesne problemy imigracyjne Stanów Zjednoczonych,
„Nasz Dziennik” (26 maja 2011)
4) Ameryka przed szansą, táum. Agnieszka ĩurek, „Nasz Dziennik”
(24–26 grudnia 2011)
5) Barack Obama nawarzyá sobie piwa, táum. Agnieszka ĩurek,
„Nasz Dziennik” (28–29 kwietnia 2012)
6) Bokser schodzi ze sceny, táum. Marcin Peráowski, „Nasz Dziennik”
(30 paĨdziernika 2012)
7) Socjalizm w przebraniu nauki, táum. ks. Paweá Tarasiewicz,
„Nasz Dziennik” (23 maja 2014)
8) StraĪnicy swobód obywatelskich czy pupile totalitaryzmu, táum.
P. Braniecki, „Nasz Dziennik” (9 maja 2014)
Abstracts of Articles Published
1) ”The Relation of Law to Morality,” in Human Rights: Abstracts of Papers from the Tenth Interamerican Congress of Philosophy (Tallahassee, Fl.: Florida State University, 1981)
2) ”Natural Law and Revelation in Thomas,” Proceedings of the Second Medieval Forum (Plymouth, New Hampshire: Plymouth State College, 1981)
Book Reviews/Forewords
Requested by Publishers/Authors
1) Review of Adrian Pabst, Metaphysics: The Creation of Hierarchy, in Review of Metaphysics (2012)
2) Review of Brendan Sweetman (ed.), A Gabriel Marcel Reader, in Review of Metaphysics, (2011)
3) Review of Pior Jaroszynski, Being and Beauty: Thomistic Perspectives, Review of Metaphysics, 54:1 (September 2010–2011)
4) Review of John N. Deely, Intentionality and Semiotics: A Story of Mutual Fecundation as Told by John Deely in Review of Metaphysics, 54;1 (September 2010–2011)
5) “Foreword” to Robert Geis, The Christ from Death Arisen (Lanham, Md.: University Press of America) 2008
6) Review of Brendan Sweetman, The Vision of Gabriel Marcel: Epistemology, Human Person, the Transcendent,” International Philosophical Quarterly, 2008
7) Review of Raymond Dennehy, Soldier Boy: The War between Michael and Lucifer, in Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly 31:2 (2008), pp. 53–55, quarto pages
8) Review of Richard Fafara (ed. and trans.), The Malebranche Moment: Selections from the Letters of Étienne Gilson and Henri Gouhier (1920–1931) (Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, Marquette Studies in Philosophy no. 48, 2007), in Review of Metaphysics, 62, n. 3 (September 2008–June 2009), pp. 655–657
9) Review of Francesca Aran Murphy’s Art and Intellect in the Philosophy of Etienne Gilson (Columbia, : University of Missouri Press, 2004), pp. 363. Invited by Gregory LaNave, Managing Editor of philosophy journal The Thomist, 2008
10) Review of Vincent P. Pecora’s Secularization and Cultural Criticism Religion, Nation, and Modernity, in Review of Metaphysics, 2008
11) “Foreword” to Robert C. Trundle’s A Theology of Science: From Science to Ethics to an Ethical Politics (Boca Raton, : Brown Walker Press, 2007), pp. ix–xii
12) Review of James V. Schall, The Order of Things for Ignatius Press (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2007)
13) Review of Gregory Kerr’s manuscript “Knowing in Three Dimensions” for The Catholic University Press (honorarium)
14) “Foreword” to Curtis Hancock’s “Recovering a Philosophy of Catholic Elementary Education,”( Pocono, Pa., Newman House Press, 2005), pp. 8–20
15) Review of Jorge J. E. Gracia and Timothy B. Noone’s A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages, in The Review of Metaphysics (The Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2004), 58:2 (December 2004), pp. 160–161
16) “Foreword” to Robert Trundle’s “Is ET Here?: No Politically But Yes Scientifically and Theologically (Ecce Nova Editions, 2004)
17_ Review of Nicholas H. Smith’s Charles Taylor’s Meaning, Morals and Modernity for The Review of Metaphysics, 57:2 (December 2003), p. 441
18) Review of Piotr Jaroszynski’s Metaphysics and Art, for The Review of Metaphysics, 57:2 (December 2003), pp, 421–422
19) Review of Ralph M. McInerny’s The Very Rich Hours of Jacques Maritain, for The Notre Dame Philosophical Review, 2003
20) Review of Analytic Philosophy: RIP, review of Nicholas Capaldi’s The Enlightenment Project in the Analytic Conversation, in Telos 116 (November 1999), pp. 147–152
21) Inquisitorial Tolerance, review of Robert Weissberg’s Political Tolerance: Balancing Community and Diversity, in Telos, 113 (Fall 1998), pp. 170–152 (solicited by editor)
22) Review of Capitalism with Morality, in The Review of Metaphysics, Winter 1996, pp. 23–24
23) Review of Freedom and Creation in Three Traditions, in The Thomist, Summer 1995 (solicited by editor)
24) Review of Graham Walker, Moral Foundations of Constitutional Thought: Current Problems, Augustinian Prospects, in The Review of Metaphysics, Summer 1995
25) Review of Magic and Witchcraft in the Dark Ages, for the University Press of America, 1995 April (honorarium)
26) Review of Gerald J. Galgan, God and Subjectivity, in International Philosophical Quarterly, 32, n. 4 (1992), pp. 522–523
27) Review of Larry Azar, Man: Computer, Ape, or Angel?, in Homiletic and Pastoral Review, Fall 1991, pp. 78–79 (honorarium)
28) Consultation requested by publisher regarding reprinting of various Thomistic texts, University Press of America, 1992 (honorarium)
29) Review of Invitation to Philosophical Inquiries, University Press of America, 6 August 1992 (honorarium
30) Review of Mark D. Jordan (trans.) On Faith: Summa theologiae, Part 2-2, Questions 1-16 of St. Thomas Aquinas, in “Reflections Book Review Section,” The Wanderer¸ 10, n. 1 (Winter, 1991), p. 1
31) Review of Sophia Institute Press edition of St. Thomas Aquinas’s sermons entitled The Three Greatest Prayers, in “Reflections Book Review Section,” The Wanderer¸ 10, n. 1 (Winter, 1991), p. 11
32) Review of Gerald A. McCook, From Unity to Pluralism: The Internal Evolution of Thomism, in “Reflections Book Review Section,” The Wanderer¸ 9, n. 2 (Spring 1991)
33) Review of Proofs for the Eternity, Creation, and the Existence of God in Medieval Islamic and Jewish Philosophy, in The Thomist, 53, n. 3 (1990)
34) Review of Timothy Mitchell, Summa theologiae: A Concise Translation, in “Reflections Book Review Section,” The Wanderer¸ 9, n. 3 (Summer 1990), p. 11
35) Review of Étienne Gilson, Methodical Realism, ed and trans, Philip Trower, in “Reflections Book Review Section,” The Wanderer¸ 9, n. 3 (Summer 1990), p. 1
36) Review of Thomas Aquinas: Exposition of the Metaphysics of Aristotle, University Press of America, 10 January 1990 (honorarium)
37) Review of Proofs for the Eternity, Creation, and the Existence of God in Medieval Islamic and Jewish Philosophy, in The Thomist, 53, n. 3 (1990)
38) Review of Yves R. Simon, The Definition of Moral Virtue, ed. Vukan Kuic, in The Thomist, 53, n. 3 (July, 1989), pp. 529-531
39) Review of Essays on the Existence of God, University Press of America, 10 January 1987 (honorarium)
40) Review of Tamar Rudavsky (ed.), Divine Omniscience and Omnipotence in Medieval Philosophy: Islamic, Jewish, and Cristian Perspectives, in The Thomist, 51, n. 4 (1987), pp. 717-718
41) Review of Jorge J.E. Gracia, The Metaphysics of Good and Evil According to Suarez, Philosophia Verlag, 8 October 1986
42) Edward J. Gratsch, Aquinas’s Summa: An Introduction and Interpretation, in “Reflections Book Review Section,” The Wanderer, 5, n. 1 (Winter, 1986), pp. 1 and 14
43) Review of Étienne Gilson, Thomist Realism and the Critique of Knowledge, ed. and trans. Philip Trower, in “Reflections Book Review Section,” The Wanderer, 5, n. 4 (Fall, 1986), p. 14
44) Review of The Doctrine of the Trinity in St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Bonaventure, University Press of America, 23 July 1985 (honorarium)
45) Review of Odd Langholm’s Wealth and Money in the Aristotelian Tradition: A Study in Scholastic Economic Sources, in Review of Metaphysics, 1985, pp. 153-155
46) Review of Eugene D. Dukes, Magic and Witchcraft in the Dark Ages, for the University Press of America, April 1985
Reviews accepted by submission to Journals
1) Review of Jude P. Dougherty, The Nature of Scientific Explanation, in International Philosophical Quarterly 53:2 (June 2013), pp. 214–218
2) Review of Leonard Kennedy (ed,), Thomistic Papers, in Religious Studies Review, 1988
3) Review of Josef Pieper, A Guide to Thomas Aquinas, in Religious Studies Review, 1988
4) Review of Gabriel Marcel, in Contemporary Philosophy, 7, n. 2 (1985)
5) Review of Richard Geraghty, The Object of Moral Philosophy in St. Thomas Aquinas, in The New Scholasticism, 61(1981) , n. 3, pp. 367–369
6) Review of Dissertations in Philosophy Accepted at American Universities, 1861-1975, in Contemporary Philosophy, 7, n. 11 (1980)
7) Review of Mortimer J. Adler, Aristotle for Everybody: Difficult Thought Made Easy, in Teaching Philosophy, 3, n. 2 (1979)
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