


at the Symposium Thomisticum VKracow, Poland 02–04 June 2022

Prior recipients of this award are:

  • John N. DEELY
  • Francis X. SLADE 
  • Fr. Andrzej MARYNIARCZYK 
  • Richard FAFARA 
  • Jorge J. E. GRACIA 
  • Fr. Piotr ROSZAK

The last report we had from Fran was that his plans for the Symposium Thomisticum V proceed as normal. If any sign of danger happens, he will postpone/cancel. In case some drop out, and to encourage others to participate, he has expanded the list of main speakers.

Conference practice is now to pay accommodation for first time main speakers. Others have to cover their own hotel. Registration is waived, which includes three five star dinners. Next year he hopes the meeting will be held in Barcelona, Vienna, or Prague. He has now settled on the first Thursday-Saturday for future meetings. Updated (provisional) list of main speakers:
Brian Carl; Kevin Flannery SJ; Christopher Frey; Jennifer Frey; Harm Goris; John Haldane; Joshua Hochschild; Tobias Hoffmann; Edward Houser; Piotr Jaroszyński; Gyula Klíma; Rupert Mayer OP; Turner Nevitt; Siobhan Nash-Marshall; John O’Callaghan; Fran O’Rourke; Thomas Osborne; Gregory Reichberg; Piotr Roszak; Fáinche Ryan; Mary Catherine Sommers; David Twetten; Rudi te Velde; Thomas Joseph White OP

For Fran to have a better idea of how many participants to expect, he would be grateful if those who plan (even provisionally) to attend would email him. Please indicate whether you wish to stay in the Kossak hotel. Also, those who submitted an abstract to him two years ago should do so again!

  • Go to the links immediately below to see and listen to updated information about developments in the Wisdom Academies educational programs:

Welcome to the Wisdom Academies!


Catholic Cave: Common Sense or the Lack Thereof

  • See the following links for information from our colleague Jim Hanink about the status of his campaign for Governor of California:

  • Lewis Talbot, City Internships, Founder & CEO makes the following updates  about different student programs and funding options for 2022:

Additional summer places in London & New York

To expand capacity for our perennially oversubscribed 8-week in-person summer programs in London and New York, we are now offering early-, mid-, and late-summer sessions starting throughout May, June, and July.

Places are still limited (albeit less so). Interested students may apply now via:

Both programs center around an 8-week placement with a leading employer in one of 9 career fields. Including:

Banking & financial services / Marketing, Advertising & PR / Consulting & professional services / Technology & engineering / Entrepreneurship, venture capital & start-ups / Media, entertainment & journalism / Law & politics / Art, fashion & design / Charities, non-profits & NGOs.

Early access to special programs & funding options for Class of 2022

Our work-based experiential programs - which combine practical workplace training, class-based skills instruction, and hands-on coaching - have an unrivalled track-record in helping graduates launch meaningful careers, quickly. Our programs provide a critical - almost half of new graduates are ‘underemployed’, and three-quarters of graduates who start out underemployed remain so 10-years later - and timely - usually before students’ enter the jobs market - intervention in students’ early-career readiness, direction, and attainment. Our fastest growing demographic is, however, current (and previous) year graduates about to enter (or almost a year in) the jobs market.

We have consequently developed a special version of our Global Accelerator Program for Class of 2022 graduates, to take place this summer and fall and with placements exclusively with actively hiring employers, and with public admissions opening Sunday 1st May 2022.  

If your graduating class would like early-access to this special program, please invite them to join our early-access waitlist:

Join early-access waitlist for Class of 2022 special programs

We will concurrently also be launching a new funding option for Class of 2022 students only, the latest and possibly most impactful development in our efforts to expand access to our programs. The initiative enables students to offset all costs associated with joining a program either overseas or closer to home until such a time they are gainfully employed and earning above a set threshold or, failing that, forever.

Class of 2022 students who join the early-access waitlist will also enjoy first access to this special funding option (available to US students only).

  • Go to the following link for the information from The Postil Magazine about its most recent issue and other news: The Postil Magazine

to the following link for:

American Philanthropic Master Classes in Foundations of Grant Writing

  • Applications are now open at the following link for the Institute of Catholic Theology's 2022 spring/summer fellowships: Christus Vivit Fellowships

  • See the email message below from our colleague Brendan Sweetman

Dear Members of the Gabriel Marcel Society and Friends of Marcel:  

I am very happy to announce that the Sixth Issue of Marcel Studies, our on line, peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journal, has been released! You can read the Journal here: 

Look for articles on Marcel’s Metaphysical Journal, and on Marcel and Rancière with regard to aesthetics and theater, along with interesting book reviews, and in our “News and Views” section latest information on all things Marcel, as well as obituaries noting the passing of two of the Society’s long time members.   

I hope you find the Journal interesting, and stimulating for your own work and ideas.  Please consider a submission for a future issue, and please forward this message to anyone who you think may be interested in Marcel.  

CALL FOR DUES: This email message is also our annual call for dues! The annual dues rate is a very modest $20, which can be sent in the form of cash or (preferably) check. Send cash or checks (payable to Gabriel Marcel Society) for Society membership for 2022 to: 

Dr Brendan Sweetman, Department of Philosophy, Rockhurst University, 1100 Rockhurst Road, Kansas City, M0 64110.  

PAYPAL: It is also possible to pay dues, or to make a contribution, by means of PayPal. Just send your payment to my email address: [email protected]   Add a note that it is for the Marcel Society. I will send all receipts by email. 

Dues are used to help defray the expenses of the Society with regard to production of the Journal, conferences, research support, website maintenance, etc.

Thank you, 



Prof. Dr Brendan Sweetman, Chairman, and Professor of Philosophy,  Sullivan Chair in Philosophy, ROCKHURST UNIVERSITY, 1100 Rockhurst Road, Kansas City, MO 64110. USA.

Email: [email protected]; Phone: 816-501-4681; WEBPAGE:


New book:

Marcel Studies

  • Go to the following links for information about Thomistic Institute programs in May 2022:

5/1 Brown University
“The Challenge and Opportunity of Genome Editing: Scientific and Ethical Considerations” by Prof. William Hurlbut (Stanford University)

5/6 Vanderbilt University Medical School
“Neurological Disease: Human Dignity, Free Will, and a Reason for Hope” by Dr. Paul LaPenna, D.O. (Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine)

5/9 Oxford University
“'A Fundamentally Religious and Catholic Work': Symbolic Veiling and Creative Freedom in Tolkien” by Prof. Giuseppe Pezzini (Corpus Christi College, Oxford)

5/11 University of Oregon
“Four Kinds of Happiness and Four Kinds of Friendship” by Prof. Christopher Kaczor (Loyola Marymount University)

5/26 Dartmouth College
"The Middle Ages: Dark Ages of Superstitious Backwardness, Golden Age of Catholic Harmony, or Neither?" by Prof. Brad Gregory (University of Notre Dame)

5/26 - 5/30 11th Annual Aquinas Philosophy Workshop - REGISTRATION OPEN
"Aquinas on the Soul: 11th Annual Aquinas Philosophy Workshop" will take place at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C. Featured speakers include Prof. Michael Gorman (Catholic University of America), Prof. Thomas Osborne (University of St. Thomas), Dr. Daniel DeHaan (University of Oxford), Prof. John O’Callaghan (University of Notre Dame), Fr. Dominic Legge, O.P. (Dominican House of Studies), Prof. Jennifer Frey (University of South Carolina), and Fr. James Brent, O.P. (Dominican House of Studies). 

  • Go to the following link for information about job openings and fellowship programs at the Thomistic Institute:

Thomistic Institute Job Openings and Fellowship Programs

  • Go to the link immediately below for latest news about Ave Maria University's theology programs:

  • At the following link, the Institute of Catholic Theology announces 3 spring/summer symposiums in Arizona on the Theology of the Body:

ICT Summer Symposium Theology of the Body

  • Go to the following links to learn about St. Bernard's School of Theology and Ministry in Rochester, NY, USA, and its 30 September 2022 conference celebration the 50th Anniversary of Communio:

St. Bernard's School of Theology and Ministry

St. Bernard's Conference Celebrating 50th Anniversary of Communio

  • With much delight we congratulate our colleague and friend Fr. Francis M. de Rosa for penning the following beautiful and historic O-Canada in The Postil Magazine

  • Congratulations to our colleague dr hab. Imelda Chłodna-Błach for recently succeeding Fr. Pawel Tarasiewicz as Editor-in-Chief of the Studia Gilsoniana open access, peer reviewed quarterly academic journal (,16)

  • Go to the following link to read our colleague Jason Morgan's latest article in the New Oxford Review entitled:

The Age of Thoth: Words Versus the Word, Flesh & Blood Versus Paper & Ink

  • At the following link, our colleague Maggie Gallagher asks us to help the Benedict XVI Institute programs and activities:

Help the Benedict XVI Institute

  • At the link immediately below, Jonathan Feldstein President of the Genesis 123 Foundation requests help for Rabbi of Krakow care for influx of refugees:

Help Ukranian Refugees in Krakow

  • See the following links for information from our colleague Jim Hanink about the status of his campaign for Governor of California: 

  • Go to the following links for more information about Pope Francis's recent Fatima and Russia Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary:

Fatima Consecration of Russia and the Ukraine


Consecration Prayer to Mary

  • Go to the following link for information about the Jesuit retreat houses events for the rest of 2022:

 Jesuit retreat houses remaining 2022 schedule

  • See the link immediately below to see the report from the Telos student seminar in Israel:

Report from the Telos Student Seminar in Israel

  • Organizers ask interested individuals to click on the following link:  Technology, Knowledge & Society for a CFP related to following event to be held at the University of Malta, Malta, 13-14 April, 2023

  • Go to the following link to listen to Victor Davis Hanson discussing where the cultural war in the US is heading and whether it can spread elsewhere:

Victor Davis Hanson: The Most Dangerous Radical President in US history, where the Culture War in the United States heading

  • Go to the following link for an Ignatius Press discount related to the works of medical doctor and mystic Adrienne von Speyr and other authors:

Ignatius Press Adrienne von Speyr

  • Go to the following link for information about ICT's Graduate Certificate in Catholic Theology Program with a Distance Learning Option:

Institute of Catholic Theology Graduate Certificate Program

  • See the following link for updates from the Catholic Education Foundation:

Catholic Education Foundation Update

Also, see the following link regarding a new group supporting the role of priests in Catholic schools:

Support for priests with role in Catholic Schools

And go to the following link for information about Pontifex University's Master's Degree program in Catholic School Administration:

Pontifex University Master's of Education Degree in Catholic School Administration

  • Check out the Jason Morgan website for news about public appearances, book publications, and reviews:

  • Go the following link for he most recent issue of the Polish journal Studia Elckie: Studia Elckie Theological Journal. If you would like to submit an article for publication in Studia Elckie, contact the Editor-in-chief at Fr. Marcin Sieńkowski at:[email protected]

  • Go to the following link for latest information from The Provincial Emails, the blogspot of our colleague Terry Berres: Provincial Emails
  • Go to the following link for updates related to job openings, upcoming grant applications, recent publications by colleagues, CFPs, upcoming conferences and meetings, and a host of other information you might find of interest:

  • See the links below to help the Global Commonsense Solidarity Union (GCSU) assist Central and Eastern European relief agencies care for the millions of Ukranian people trapped at home and refugees fleeing to other countries:

Notes from Poland

Ukraine Catholic Relief Services

Voices of Children

The International Rescue Committee Ukraine

Sunflower of Peace

International Medical Corps Ukraine

Razom for Ukraine

  • Listen at this link immediately below to Catholic Cave Radio host Timothy O'Donnell interview Dr. Peter Redpath about The New Enlightenment?— Philosophy and Science as Uncommon Commonsense Wisdom:

  • See the following link to courses in the Wisdom Academies Newly Established Certificate Program in Uncommon Common Sense:

Kelly Fitzsimmons Burton Interviews Dr. Fulvio Di Blasi

and with our colleague Dr. Julie Ponesse about her book, My Choice (Julie Ponesse, My Choice):

Kelly Fitzsimmons Burton interviews Dr. Julie Ponesse

  • Go to the following link to see the recent Studia Gilsoniana special issue on Religion and Economics edited by Senior Fellows of the Aquinas School of Leadership School of Economics (ASLSE): 

ASLSE Studia Gilsoniana Special Issue on Religion and Economics

and go to this link to download a form to become a member of the International Étienne Gilson Society: Gilson Society Membership Form

  • See the following link for information about a Studia Gilsoniana article by Peter A. Redpath highlighting the professional career of Jorge J. E. Gracia, the person who institutionalized the study of Latin American philosophy in the United States:
  • Go to the following link to view a 2-minute summary by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. of how contemporary global totalitarianism is radically worse than all prior forms of despotism:

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. This is the hill that we need to die on

“No one has ever complied their way out of totalitarianism.”

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

  • Please say prayers for our colleague, Ken Bryson, who is presently undergoing hopefully life-saving cancer treatments:
Dear Peter,
I write with news that I have cancer and that it has migrated to my brain, affecting three areas. Completed five of five radiation treatments today. Life is short. Not sure of the outcome, time will tell. 
A big consolation is my book What do we know about God? Theological, Philosophical, and Existential Arguments Concerning the Nature of God. I draw on Moses' tell the Israelites "I am  who am" sent me. This is the connection between God's essence and existence which tells me that essence is ultimately reducible to existence which is ultimately reducible to the place where divine existence stops. It arises outside the order of space time and the expanding universe at a place where I am is. Of course, Jesus is in both orders. We cannot understand this concept but only explain it through the process of sufficient and necessary conditions.
My health is surely declining Peter so I thought I would write a brief note on this matter. 
Best of luck in your ongoing work. Yesterday, in the back seat driving to London, I closed my eyes and could see the tunnel! Beautiful. 


See the following link for information about Ken's excellent book:

Ken Bryson What do We Know About God?

The best shipping rate for international orders is from and

  • Go to the following link for updated information about the work currently being done at the Lyceum Institute: Lyceum Institute

  • Walter Raubichek, Editor of Lex Naturalis announces that the Journal is accepting proposals for all topics related to natural law at the following email address:  [email protected]

  • Go to the following links for works published in French by Éditions L'Harmattan, including Letters concerning the 5 great pillars (Aristotelian commentaries) in which St. Thomas Aquinas considers the fundamentals of philosophy: its principles, methods, and highest conclusions:   

Éditions L'Harmattan


The 5 Great Philosophical Pillars of St. Thomas Aquinas

  • Go to the links immediately below for books and other gifts:

Pauline Books & Media

Thomistic Institute Store

En Route Books & Media

St. Augustine Press

Ignatius Press

  • For those of you unfamiliar with the AQUINAS SCHOOL OF LEADERSHIP (ASL) Wisdom Academies and their nature, see the summary explanation immediately below that I had requested ASL's COO, Marvin B. Daniel Peláez, to prepare:

The concept for Wisdom Academies grew out of an idea related to teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas, which he inherited from Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle: that the intellectual virtue of docilitas (docility/teachability) is a necessary condition for being educated. St. Thomas maintained that the moral virtue of prudence, which, he held, is a species of common sense, causes docilitas.

Before being taught outside the home, children generally learn some docility from parents and from their individual conscience, which, according to Aquinas, is the habit of prudence acting as judge, jury, witness, and prosecution of personal choices. In learning docility, we all acquire some common sense.

Common sense is simply some understanding of first principles that are causing some organizational whole to have the unity it has that causes it to tend to behave the way it does. It is an understanding common to anyone who intellectually grasps the nature of something, the way the parts (causal principles) of a whole incline to organize to generate organizational existence and action. Strictly speaking, common sense is the habit of rightly applying first principles of understanding as measures of truth in immediate and mediated judgment, choice, and reasoning! Considered as such, it is the first measure of right reasoning!

Contemporary Enlightenment colleges and universities are essentially designed to drive out common sense from the psyche of students, convince them that the only species of understanding (common sense) is mathematical physics. In doing this, they cause students to become anarchists, unteachable, people out of touch with reality who cannot tolerate to listen or to speak to or with anyone who disagrees with them.

The only method that can possibly work to correct this problem is the one these academies essentially use. This is not because these academies are proposing them, but because they  are evidently true to anyone with common sense about human education: such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Aquinas.

Peter A. Redpath

CEO, Aquinas School of Leadership

For more information about these Academies, see: Wisdom Academies Courses

Also, since the activities of the Aquinas School of Leadership and the Wisdom Academies chiefly aim at helping to restore common and uncommon sense wisdom to the contemporary world, and since anarchic thinking and intolerance are growing by leaps and bounds today, just as I did over 30 years ago in response to the devastating cultural damage Tom Hayden’s Port Huron Statement (Port Huron Manifesto) had caused in the United States, I composed “A Philosophical Call to Renew American Culture” (A Philosophical Call to Renew American Culture), and, in 2008 on the occasion of the founding of the International Étienne Gilson Society in Warsaw, Poland, I presented a talk in which I called for my contemporaries to follow the lead of Gilson in opposing totalitarianism (see: Gilson's Critique of Totalitarianism: Why Gilson, Why Now) so, today, to assist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in his courageous work fighting against the frightening growth in contemporary political and corporate intolerance and deconstruction of civil liberties (see: Political and Corporate Intolerance and Armageddon: Fighting the Final Battle). 

[email protected]

  • Go to the following link for information about de Gruyter's new Archive Bibliographia Judaica (ABJ) Online: 

Archive Bibliographia Judaica

  • Our colleague Dennis Bonnette, former Chairman of the Philosophy Department at Niagara University, has asked us to post this letter for anyone who has already taken any of the Covid-19 "vaccine" and is having second thoughts about the wisdom of having done so:
To anyone who has already taken a Covid-19 "vaccine" and is presently having second thoughts about the wisdom of having done so, I am writing to you because you have already taken the Covid-19 vaccine yourself.  Frankly, because of this fact, I am concerned about your health and safety.
Family health needs over several decades forced me to do much research over this time about prescription drugs and their effects. Happily, as I was doing this, for many years I was able to call upon for advice from my colleague at Niagara University, and former pharmacist, Dr. Raphael Waters (Raphael Waters obituary).
Cutting through many medical claims in a recent British news broadcast, the highly respected UK cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra exposed a link between mRNA "vaccines" and heart disease (Link between mNRA "Vaccines" and Heart Disease). Dr. Mahotra also referred to different studies confirming a link between Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) in the aftermath of taking the vaccine.

Referencing his own empirical findings with the recently published “warning” in the journal Circulation by cardiologist Dr. Steven Gundry (well known as a pioneer in infant heart transplant surgery), Dr. Malhotra noted that the most important element in Gundry's study is ongoing research reflecting data showing the COVID-19 Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines “dramatically increase” a common measure of heart risk in people. Gundry’s analysis, which was presented at the recent meeting of the American Heart Association, concluded that "the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.”

This conclusion helps explain the extraordinary number of major athletes (young athletes in the prime of health and conditioning) worldwide, having previously taken the "vaccine," subsequently collapsing and many dying right on the playing field (most from cardiovascular causes). While this situation should raise a red flag for us all, Dr. Malhotra noted that it is being ignored by the major, main-stream media (see: At Least 69 Athletes Collapsed in One Month, Many Dead). Unhappily we are likely to see many more cases of this unnecessary tragedy in the near future. The highly probably medical cause of these sudden collapses and deaths is the spike proteins produced by the vaccines, which, in turn, produce blood clots--many of them existing in microscopic form in critical organs.

For your own sake, I urge you to take 600 mg of N-acetyl cysteine daily, which can stop the clotting and 10,000 units of vitamin D3 to modulate the hyper-immune response known as a cytokine storm, which occurs when vaccinated people encounter a new coronavirus. These two phenomena are most likely able to kill a vaccine recipient in the short to intermediate term. Other supplement antidotes are available which may be of help.

By March, in my opinion, the massive adverse effects of the Covid "vaccines," including deaths, will be evident to all. Still, I hope you will listen to me while you might still have time to prevent some of the most immediately devastating effects of these injections.
If you value your personal liberty, I also urge you to watch the following video by Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the MRNA vaccine technology:


Dennis Bonnette, Ph.D.
  • See additional informational immediately below about Covid-19 and the many social problems and conflicts it is causing:

1) From Jim Caviezel: "The Storm is Upon Us"

2) From Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s interview with Dr. Theresa A. Deisher related to the fetal line used in the COVID experimental drug:

Robert F. Kennedy Interview with Dr. Thereas A. Deisher

3) From Pope Pius XII, Encyclical: The Moral Limits of Research and Treatment

In an address given September 14, 1952 by His Holiness Pope Pius XII to the First International Congress on the Histopathology of the Nervous System, acting as "the interpreter of the moral conscience of the research worker, the specialist and the practitioner and of the man and Christian who follows the same path," the Pope drew the attention of the participants to the limits of their "moral rights and duties" as these are especially related to "the bold spirit of research" that incites a specialist "to follow newly discovered roads, extend, and create, new ones and methods."

In so doing, the Pope said, "A serious, competent doctor will often see with a sort of spontaneous intuition the moral legality of what he proposes to do and will act according to his conscience. But there are other instances where he does not have this security, where he may see or think he sees the contrary with certainty or where he doubts and wavers between Yes and No. In the most serious and profound matters, the man in the physician is not content with examining from a medical point of view what he can attempt and succeed in. He also wants to see his way clearly in regard to moral possibilities and obligations."

In such cases, Pius XII reported he would like to set forth briefly the essential principles that permit an answer to be given to this question. While, as is proper, the medical doctor focuses attention on the medical aspect of the case, the moralist, concentrates attention on the moral laws involved. The Pope maintained that, "ordinarily," such mutual cooperation in light of "the medical and moral evidence will make possible a reliable decision as to the moral legality of the case in all its concrete aspects."

To justify the moral rectitude of new procedures, attempts, and research methods, in medical treatment, he states that three main principles, interests, must be kept in mind: those of 1) medical science; 2) the individual patient to be treated; and the common good (bonum commune).

After doing this, taken singly or together, the Pope asked whether "these three interests have absolute value in motivating and justifying medical treatment or whether they are valid merely within certain determined limits?" In the second case, under the heading, "The Interests of Science as Justification for Research and the Use of New Methods," he asked and attempted briefly to answer the question, "What are these limits?"

Pius XII did so by stating that, in its own "domain" (that is, genus), scientific knowledge in medicine has its own value (that is, 'good') in equal to those in other scientific domains (genera): like physics, chemistry, cosmology and psychology. He maintained that, considered simply as knowledge, this good exists simply in itself, independently of its usefulness or use, and is not to be minimized. Such knowledge and fully understanding any truth are good in and of themselves and "raise no moral objection. By virtue of this principle, research and the acquisition of truth for arriving at new, wider and deeper knowledge and understanding of the same truth are in themselves in accordance with the moral order."

At the same time, the Pope stated that this fact does not mean: 1) all methods, or any single method, arrived at by scientific and technical research offers every moral guarantee; and 2) simply because it increases and deepens our knowledge, every method becomes morally licit, admissible. "Sometimes it happens that a method cannot be used without injuring the rights of others or without violating some moral rule of absolute value" (that is, good). "In such a case, although one rightly envisages and pursues the increase of knowledge, morally the method is not admissible."

Why not? The Pope's answer was "because science is not the highest value" (that is, is not the highest good, or measuring principle, standard, of good): "that to which all other orders of values" (that is, all other orders of goods)-or in the same order of value" (of good), "all particular values" (goods)-should be subordinated."

According to the Pope, and in truth, "science itself and its research and acquisitions have to be inserted" (and measured) "in 'the order of values'" (order of real human goods). "Here there are well defined limits which even medical science cannot transgress without violating higher moral rules." Among these higher moral rules, Pius XII listed, the following two: 1)"confidential relations between doctor and patient"; 2) "personal right of the patient to the life of his body and soul in its psychic and moral integrity."

While he admitted he "must recognize the 'interests of science' as having a true value" (a real good)" that the moral law allows man to preserve, increase and widen, he asserts that nobody can concede the following statement: “Granted, obviously, that the doctor’s intervention is determined by scientific interest and that he observes the rules of his profession, there are no limits to the methods for increasing and deepening medical science.” 

Under a second heading, entitled "The Interests of the Patient as Justification of New Medical Methods of Research and Treatment," Pius XII then set out two basic considerations: whether 1) In and of itself, the fact that medical treatment of the patient demands taking some new step proves its moral legality; and whether 2) because some "new method hitherto neglected or little used will give possible, probable, or sure results . . . . all ethical considerations as to the licitness of this method are obsolete and should be treated as pointless."

About these two considerations, Pius XII asked: "How can anyone fail to see that in these statements truth and falsehood are intermingled? In a very large number of cases the 'interests of the patient' do provide the moral justification of the doctor’s conduct. Here again, the question concerns the absolute value" (that is, universal good, including moral good) "of this principle." By itself, he asked, does it demonstrate, "does it make it evident that what the doctor wants to do conforms to the moral law?"

Morally considered, as a individual, "the doctor can take no measure or try no course of action without the consent of the patient." Morally, ethically, considered: 1) "The doctor has no other rights or power over the patient than those which the latter gives him, explicitly or implicitly and tacitly; and 2) the patient cannot confer rights he does not possess." In this discussion the decisive point is the moral licitness of the right a patient has to dispose of himself. Here is the moral limit to the doctor’s action taken with the consent of the patient." (Emphasis added). NOTE: According to the moral law (natural law) consent of the patient morally limits the moral authority and action a patient may transfer to a medical doctor!

Pius XII immediately added: "As for the patient, he is not absolute master of himself, of his body or of his soul. He cannot, therefore, freely dispose of himself as he pleases. Even the reason for which he acts is of itself neither sufficient nor determining. The patient is bound to the immanent teleology laid down by nature. He has the right of use, limited by natural finality, of the faculties and powers of his human nature." NOTE: The natural law existing within specific human nature limits the moral authority, action, and aims the patient has the ability to transfer to a medical doctor!

In other words, the Pope clearly recognized that the patient does not exist as a self-sufficient species unto himself or herself, as a single, composite whole rational animal. He or she is an individual member of the human species (the real genus animal, and the species endowed with animal rationality). He understood that, like every existing finite being, human beings are finite, social and organizational beings. We exist as essential parts of a social, organizational whole (human nature) that, by its social organizational nature and aims, facultative powers and abilities (immanent teleology) subordinates individual choice, places relational moral limits on human freedom of choice. A natural moral law contained within specific human nature is the proximate cause of all universal moral principles!  Individual human beings are social, relational, animals. We choose the way we can, limited by our generic, specific, and individual and social human powers and abilities, to choose the way we can as social animals, not the way we wish as if we are almighty gods.

Because, by our social, human nature, we are usersnot sole proprietors, of our individual powers and abilities, Pius XII maintained we he do not have unlimited power to destroy or mutilate our individual body and its functions. By virtue of what he referred to as "the principle of totality" (that is, by virtue of the fact that we are essentially relational, social, organizational wholes that cause actions), a natural law existing within our specific human nature causes in us as such wholes moral rights and duties to others. Being an organizational whole (a part/whole existing cooperating with a wider, relational, social, organizational whole to cause action), Pius XII maintained that each individual human being possesses a right of use: "the right to use the services of his organism as a whole" (that is, of one's individual, composite body and soul), "the patient can allow individual parts to be destroyed or mutilated when and to the extent necessary for the good of his being as a whole. He may do so to ensure his being’s existence and to avoid or, naturally, to repair serious and lasting damage which cannot otherwise be avoided or repaired."

Such being the case, Pope Pius XII immediately added, "The patient, then, has no right to involve his physical or psychic integrity in medical experiments or research when they entail serious destruction, mutilation, wounds or perils" (Emphasis added).

"Moreover, the Pope stated, in exercising his right to dispose of himself, his faculties and his organs, the individual must observe the hierarchy of the orders of values" (that is, the hierarchy of the order of goods)-or within a single order of values" (single order of goods), "the hierarchy of particular rights -insofar as the rules of morality demand. Thus, for example, a man cannot perform on himself or allow doctors to perform acts of a physical or somatic nature which doubtless relieve heavy physical or psychic burdens or infirmities, but which bring about at the same time permanent abolition or considerable and durable diminution of his freedom, that is, of his human personality in its typical and characteristic function." For example, today we might say no human being would be morally permitted to decide to undergo a lobotomy because, as the Pope said, "Such an act degrades a man to the level of a being reacting only to acquired reflexes or to a living automation. The moral law does not allow such a reversal of values. Here it sets up its limits to the 'medical interests of the patient.'" Once again, NOTE: Consent of the patient morally limits the medical doctor's morally permissible action!

After giving another example related to psychological matters, Pius XII again emphasized the point immediately made above in boldface:

"Up to now We have spoken directly of the patient, not of the doctor. We have explained at what point the personal right of the patient to dispose of himself, his mind, his body, his faculties, organs and functions, meets a moral limit. But at the same time We have answered the question: Where does the doctor find a moral limit in research into and use of new methods and procedures in the 'interests of the patient?' The limit is the same as that for the patient. It is that which is fixed by the judgment of sound reason" (that is, the judgment of right reason), "which is set by the demands of the natural moral law, which is deduced from the natural teleology inscribed in beings and from the scale of values expressed by the nature of things. The limit is the same for the doctor as for the patient because, as We have already said, the doctor as a private individual disposes only of the rights given him by the patient and because the patient can give only what he himself possesses.

NOTE: Consent of the patient as demanded by natural law existing within specific human nature limits the medical doctor's action! The medical doctor may only execute rights transferred to him by the patient's consent! The natural moral law is derived from an order of facultative aims, or ends, essentially present in a specific human nature that causes all individual human beings to be social animals.

The Pope then extended these moral duties "to the legal representatives of the person incapable of caring for himself and his affairs: children below the age of reason, the feebleminded and the insane." 

After doing this, Pope Pius XII, considered under a third heading "The Interests of the Community as Justification of New Medical Methods of Research and Treatment."

"For the moral justification of the doctor’s right to try new approaches, new methods and procedures the Pope invokes a third interest, or principle, the interest of the community, of human society, the principle of the common good or 'bonum commune,' as, the Pope stated, "the philosopher and social student would say."

Pope Pius XII maintained that existence of a common good is indubitable and that he found unquestionable the fact that its existence calls for, and justifies, further medical research. He repeated that he had already spoken about the mutual interests of science and that they are closely allied to the general interest (that is, to the common good).

"Nevertheless," he stated, "for the third time we come back to the question: Is there any moral limit to the 'medical interests of the community' in content or extension? Are there 'full powers' over the living man in every serious medical case? Does it raise barriers that are still valid in the interests of science or the individual? Or, stated differently: Can public authority, on which rests responsibility for the common good, give the doctor the power to experiment on the individual in the interests of science and the community in order to discover and try out new methods and procedures when these experiments transgress the right of the individual to dispose of himself? In the interests of the community, can public authority really limit or even suppress the right of the individual over his body and life, his bodily and psychic integrity?" NOTE: The Pope asked whether appeal to the common good by public authority can nullify the natural law moral principle that the consent of the patient limits a medical doctor's action? Can it really limit and suppress the moral right of the individual person over his or her body, life, and bodily and psychic integrity?

Assuming that the question is about serious research, "honest efforts to promote the theory and practice of medicine, not of a maneuver serving as a scientific pretext to mask other ends and achieve them with impunity, the Pope stated, "many people have been of the opinion and are still of the opinion today, that the answer must be in the affirmative. To give weight to their contention they cite the fact that the individual is subordinated to the community, that the good of the individual must give way to the common good and be sacrificed to it. They add that the sacrifice of an individual for purposes of research and scientific investigation profits the individual in the long run" (Emphasis, including boldface, added).

We take the liberty to add, apparently so do many contemporary members of the Catholic Church hierarchy and administrators at nominally Catholic colleges and universities!

Being closer than are we to the medical atrocities committed by Nazis in the name of the common good, the Pope immediately added: "The great postwar trials" (that is, the Nuremberg Trials) "brought to light a terrifying number of documents testifying to the sacrifice of the individual in the 'medical interests of the community'" (that is, medical interests of the common good). "In the minutes of these trials," the Pope added, "one finds testimony and reports showing how, with the consent and, at times, even under the formal order of public authority, certain research centers systematically demanded to be furnished with persons from concentration camps for their medical experiments. One finds how they were delivered to such centers, so many men, so many women, so many for one experiment, so many for another. There are reports on the conduct and the results of such experiments, of the subjective and objective symptoms observed during the different phases of the experiments. One cannot read these reports without feeling a profound compassion for the victims, many of whom went to their deaths, and without being frightened by such an aberration of the human mind and heart. But We can also add that those responsible for these atrocious deeds did no more than to reply in the affirmative to the question We have asked and to accept the practical consequences of their affirmation."

Fortunately, unlike some contemporary leaders of the contemporary Catholic Church who would have frightened him "by such an aberration of the human mind and heart," Pope Pius XII did not join in these Nazi atrocities, crimes against humanity, as some Catholic clerics and administrators have doneby denying to students and employees at Catholic institutions moral authority of individual conscience and the inviolable moral principle of the consent of the patient to subject himself or herself to medical experimentation in the name of the common good! He condemned them in light of the Nuremberg TrialsClearlyhe considered them to be committing, as does the Aquinas School of Leadership, 'crimes against humanity.'

In so doing, he asked, "At this point is the interest of the individual subordinated to the community’s medical interests, or is there here a transgression, perhaps in good faith, against the most elementary demands of the natural law, a transgression that permits no medical research?"

The Pope's answer was clear. A person would have to be out of touch with reality, lacking in moral common sense, "one would have to shut one’s eyes to reality to believe that at the present time one could find no one in the medical world to hold and defend the ideas that gave rise to the facts We have cited. It is enough to follow for a short time the reports on medical efforts and experiments to convince oneself of the contrary. Involuntarily one asks oneself what has authorized, and what could ever authorize, any doctor’s daring to try such an experiment. The experiment is described in all its stages and effects with calm objectivity. What is verified and what is not is noted. But there is not a word on its moral legality. Nevertheless, this question exists, and one cannot suppress it by passing it over in silence."

Related to the cases he mentioned, inasmuch as moral "justification of the experiments" (such as, today, use of experimental drugs misrepresented as vaccines) "rests on the mandate of public authority, and therefore on the subordination of the individual to the community, of the individual’s welfare to the common welfare, it is based on an erroneous explanation of this principle" (Emphasis added). In our, individual, personal being, he stated, no human being is "finally ordered to usefulness to society. On the contrary, the community exists for man." To this we add, this is true of every society, even that of the Catholic Church!

The Pope continued: "The community is the great means intended by nature and God to regulate the exchange of mutual needs and to aid each man to develop his personality fully according to his individual and social abilities. Considered as a whole, the community is not a physical unity subsisting in itself and its individual members are not integral parts of it" (that is, parts that cannot exist outside of it/emphasis added). "Considered as a whole" (that is, as a composite, relational, integral whole whose living parts cannot, strictly speaking, exist on their own outside it), "the physical organism of living beings, of plants, animals or man, has a unity (that is, a composite, relational, organizational, living unity constituting its being) "subsisting in itself. Each of the members, for example, the hand, the foot, the heart, the eye, is an integral part destined by all its being to be inserted in" (that is, exist in) "the whole organism. Outside the organism it has not, by its very nature, any sense, any finality. It is wholly absorbed by the totality of the organism to which it is attached." As an integral member of the organism, it exists, is alive, only as a part of a whole organism ordered toward the health of that organism as a whole; it has not as an independent, living, whole. Separate from that organism, it no longer has the same nature (for example, a dead hear is not a human, or any animal, heart).

According to the Pope, in the moral community and every organism of an essentially moral character, the situation is radically different. A moral whole does not have its whole being in its cooperative activity of some whole on which it essentially depends for its whole life and being. It has "a simple unity of finality and action" (it simply shares common aims and actions with this other whole). Morally considered, such "individuals are merely collaborators and instruments for the realization of the common end."

In the case of physical parts, which have their entire being internally in service to a physical whole, Pope Pius XII maintained that "the master and user of this organism, which possesses a subsisting unity, can dispose directly and immediately of integral parts, members and organs within the scope of their natural finality. He can also intervene, as often as and to the extent that the good of the whole demands, to paralyze, destroy, mutilate and separate the members."

But, when two separate wholes that can exist apart from each other on their own are united as separate entities cooperating in a unity of aims and action, while public authority has "direct authority and the right to make demands upon the activities of the parts, . . . in no case, the Pope said, "can it dispose of its physical being. Indeed, every direct attempt upon its essence" (that is, on its existence as an independently whole being) "constitutes an abuse of the power of authority." The State exists to serve people. People can exist without States. States cannot exist without people.

Turning to medical experiments on human subjects, by virtue of the principle of consent of the patient as an independently existing moral whole, not an integral part of the State or a medical community, the Pope maintained public authority has no moral power that immediately and directly affects the physical being of a person considered as whole, or of a person's organs, that it can transfer to a research worker. (Neither, for that matter, can the contemporary Catholic Church, or its college and university, or other, administrators!) By virtue of this same principle, even when a medical doctor acts in the interests of the community (for the common good) as an agent of public authority, the State cannot pass on to that doctor a right it does not possess. At most, it can pass on to a medical practitioner the authority to act "as a deputy, as the legal representative of a minor for as long as he cannot make his own decisions, of a person of feeble mind or of a lunatic."

Even in the case of capital punishment, Pius XII maintained that "the State does not dispose of the individual’s right to life. In this case it is reserved to the public power to deprive the condemned person of the enjoyment of life in expiation of his crime when, by his crime, he has already disposed himself of his right to live."

After reviewing again his principle of totality and how he applied it, the Pope indicated that, in doing medical research, "application of new methods to living men must be preceded by research on cadavers or the model of study and experimentation on animals." When this is impossible, insufficient, or unfeasible in practice, "medical research will try to work on its immediate object, the living man, in the interests of science, in the interests of the patient and in the interests of the community. Such a procedure is not to be rejected without further consideration. But you must stop at the limits laid down by the moral principles We have explained" (Emphasis added).

Indubitably, the Pope added, asking that every danger or risk be excluded before giving moral authorization to the use of new methods is something nobody can ask. Doing so would exceed human possibilities, paralyze all serious scientific research, and very frequently be to the detriment of the patient. In these cases, he stated, while "weighing of the danger must be left to the judgment of the tried and competent doctor," as the Pope's explanation has demonstrated, a degree of danger exists "that morality cannot allow. In doubtful cases, when means already known have failed, it may happen that a new method still insufficiently tried offers, together with very dangerous elements, appreciable chances of success. If the patient gives his consent, the use of the procedure in question is licit. But this way of acting cannot be upheld as a line of conduct in normal cases" (Emphasis added).

In conclusion, while some people will perhaps object that the ideas he set forth "present a serious obstacle to scientific research and work," Pope Pius XII claimed that, by definition, the limits he had outlined are no obstacle to medical progress. "The field of medicine cannot be different in this respect from other fields of man’s research, investigations and work. The great moral demands force the impetuous flow of human thought and will to flow, like water from the mountains, into certain channels. They contain the flow to increase its efficiency and usefulness. They dam it so that it does not overflow and cause ravages that can never be compensated for by the special good it seeks. In appearance, moral demands are a brake. In fact, they contribute to the best and most beautiful of what man has produced for science, the individual and the community."

He ended his address by adding, "May Almighty God in His benevolent Providence give you His blessing and grace to this end."

Clearly, Pope Pius XII had maintained that consent of the patient as demanded by natural moral law existing within specific human nature always limits the medical doctor's action and that of the State and other organizations! The medical doctor, State, and different organizations may only execute rights transferred, through natural moral law, to them by the patient's consent! The Pope considered acting against this natural law moral principle to be a crime against humanity comparable to crimes committed by the Nazis! He called it "an aberration of the human mind and heart," which "frightened" him, as it should any morally and psychologically healthy human being.

No appeal to a common good can morally justify committing crimes against humanity, the natural moral law! Committing such crimes can never be in the common good, nor committed without violating human and civil rights. People committing such crimes are often held legally accountable and prosecuted as individuals as well as organizational leaders. Those institutional administrators who have been aiding and abetting in committing such crimes have already suffered the punishment of becoming psychologically disordered, losing touch with reality and moral common sense. No morally vicious deed ever goes unpunished. God have mercy on their souls as the political tide increasingly turns against them!

  • Go to the following link about submitting articles to Polish journal Studia Elckie: Studia Elckie Journal
  • Go to the following links for information about upcoming conference CFPs:

1) 12th International Conference on Religion & Spirituality in Society, University of Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain, 9–10 June 2022: CFP for Conference on Religion & Spirituality in Society

2) 2nd Annual Conference of the Sacra Doctrina Project, Thomas Aquinas College, Northfield, Massachusetts, 23-25 June 2022, : 

CFP for Conference on Grace and Sanctification

3) 17th International Conference on the Arts in Society, San Jorge University, Zaragoza, Spain 4-6 July 2022: CFP for Arts in Society Conference

4) 13th International Conference on The Image, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA 22-23 September 2022

13th International Conference on the Image

7) Go to the following link for information about CFPs and journal submissions in Thomistic Studies:

CFPs and journal submissions in Thomistic Studies

  • The Commonsense Wisdom Academies are up and running with their Course Catalogue with course descriptions now available at:

Commonsense Wisdom Academies 2021-2022 Course Catalogue

  • Go to the following link for latest news from The Postil Magazine about Uniting Wisdom with the Soul:
  • Go to the following link for information about the new Pontifex University low-cost Masters of Education (M.Ed) and Doctor of Education (Ed.D), almost-totally-online, graduate programs in educational administration:

Pontifex University Graduate Programs in Educational Administration

  • Our colleague, John B. Martino (Acquisitions Editor for the Catholic University of America Press) reports that:

The CUA Press Fall/Winter 2021-2022 catalogue is now available at:

*He suggests our readers might find page 4 of special interest and says that the prior year's catalogue is available here: 

  • Enroute Books & Media announces publication of Dr. Thaddeus Kozinski's monograph:

Words, Concepts, Reality: Aristotelian Logic for Teenagers

  • Contact Nicole Rizkallah <[email protected]> for information about American Philanthropic current Jobs Board and other opportunities
  • Go to the following link for latest information from The Provincial Emails, the blogspot of our colleague Terry Berres: Provincial Emails
  • Trust political common sensesee the link immediately below about how political attempts to control free speech and divide a population are a reaction to fear:

Unity (not division and separation) and common sense keep a people free

Join in the work of the Aquinas School of Leadership and the Commonsense Wisdom Academies!
  • Our colleague Dennis Bonnette reports two recent publications at the following links:

How Metaphysical First Principles Anchor the Proofs for God's Existence

(Appearing the Homiletic & Pastoral Review)


How the Blessed Mother Can Answer All Those Prayers: Strange Notions

  • Go to the following link for latest information from The Provincial Emails, the blogspot of our colleague Terry Berres: Provincial Emails
  • As part of the 100th anniversary commemoration of the start of the Great Ideas/Great Books Movement with John Erskine's General Honors Course at Columbia University, and to help escape from modern madness, see: 

Birth of the Great Ideas Great Books Movement


John Erskine Great Books and Great Ideas

Further aid to help restore American and Global common sense consists in publication as of 29 July 2021 of The Great Ideas of Religion and Freedom: A Semiotic Reinterpretation of The Great Ideas Movement for the 21st Century, co-ed. Peter A. Redpath, Imelda Chłodna-Błach, Artur Mamcarz-Plisiecki (Leiden [The Netherlands], 2021):

The Great Ideas of Religion and Freedom

  • Throwing down the gauntlet: A Philosophical Manifesto to Renew American and Global Culture articulating the current need to have uncommon common sense explicitly guide future development of the Great Books, Great Ideas, Movement 

Evident to anyone with even slight awareness of Western intellectual history is that, since the start of the twentieth century, contemporary, land-based, Western institutions of higher learning have been increasingly collapsing underneath consistent application to Western culture of flawed educational principles lacking common sense. The last-ditch effort of Enlightenment intellectuals to enter and control the homeschool market to save them will also fail.

Twenty-one years ago, with the help of the Mortimer J. Adler, colleagues of mine and I started the online Great Books, Great Ideas, Homeschool Movement. At the start of this Movement, I issued a Homeschool Manifesto in the form of a Philosophical Call to Renew American Culture through a Homeschool Renaissance. I entitled that manifesto, The Homeschool Renaissance and the Battle of the Arts. Evident to anyone who has read my work since 2014 is that this philosophical call was a signal I was making to contemporaries to renew Western culture by renewing common and uncommon commonsense wisdom, including moral prudence.

Those who have not read the above article, but wish to restore commonsense to contemporary culture, need to do so. Within its 15 pages I present my understanding of the more-or-less precise general intellectual history of Western culture from the Ancient Greeks to present time. My historical account radically differs from historical accounts to which contemporary college and university students are most often presented, if they are exposed to any such accounts at all. This includes historical accounts of eminent intellectual historians like Etienne Henri Gilson.

I welcome anyone who reads this article to show me where it is flawed. Historical research over the past twenty years could well show that, in some way, my general historical account is inaccurate. Hence, I encourage readers to prove me wrong. Doing so will help improve the West and the World escape from contemporary madness.

Beyond classically rooted homeschool movements, culturally to renew the West and the World, a crucial need exists today to establish commonsense academies teaching intellectual and moral virtues as fundamental principles of speculative and practical common sense. A chief reason for this is because intellectual and moral virtues are the chief, proximate principles of all human leadership that is rooted healthy psychological behavior. If we want to extricate the contemporary world from being directed by leadership principles of madness, a crucial need exists to support the work of my colleagues and me as we continue to build our Commonsense Wisdom Liberal Arts Academy (CWLAA) and our Commonsense Wisdom Executive Coaching Academy (CWECA).

If you would like to join us in this venture, in addition to reading the above article, I strongly encourage you to read my recently published book entitled How to Listen and How to SpeakStanding on the Shoulders of Giants to Renew Commonsense and Uncommonsense Wisdom in the Contemporary World. It contains the educational first principles out of which, through application to student behavior, both these academies will eventually grow into future great educational institutions.

Redpath How to Listen and How to Speak

  • For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Aquinas School of Leadership, LLC (ASL) and its work, since its start in the spring of 2014, its main mission has been to inculcate as widely as possible 15 commonsense founding principles to carry out its mission to renew commonsense and uncommonsense wisdom and prudence within the West and the contemporary world. Go to the following links to learn about this mission and principles:

Aquinas School of Leadership's Mission Statement 

Aquinas School of Leadership's 15 Commonsense Founding Principles

Aquinas School of Leadership's Motto

This start, 7 years ago, has put ASL far ahead of those presently trying to catch up in understanding how and why loss of commonsense, and especially common and uncommon commonsense wisdom in the form of philosophy and science properly understood, are among the chief, essential causes of the cultural collapse we are presently witnessing in all the Modern and Enlightenment institutions that surround us nationally and internationally. For those of you who would like to come up to speed with some of this earlier work of the ASL, go to:

Some earlier work of the Aquinas School of Leadership since 2014

  • Go to the link immediately below for information about upcoming funding from the John Templeton Foundation: 
  • Go to the link immediately below for information about Dr. Cynthia Toolin's recent publication entitled: 

SurvivorA Memoir of Forgiveness

Cynthia Toolin-Wilson: Survivor, A Memoir of Forgiveness


Dr. Arthur William McVey's monograph

Soulful Organizational Leadership

Arthur William McVey: Soulful Organizational Leadership

Dr. Thaddeus Kozinski's

WordsConcepts, RealityAristotelian Logic for Teenagers

Kozinski: Words, Concepts, Reality

All published by En Route Books & Media

  • Go to the following link to see Fr. Peter Stravinskas's announcement about the online Master's of Education (M.Ed.) and Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Catholic School Administration with Pontifex University:
  • Go to the following link for information about:

How to Read a Difficult BookA Beginner's Guide to the Lost Art of Philosophical Reading

Public Philosophy Press How to Read a Difficult Book

Now available in Kindle Edition!

Blurb from the back cover: "How to Read a Difficult Book goes well beyond Mortimer J. Adler's classic How to Read a Book. It should be mandatory reading for every college student."

Herbert I. London (R.I.P.), Former Dean, Gallatin Division, NYU and Olin Professor of Humanities NYU

  • The Metaphysical Society of America announces September resumption of monthly MSA ZOOM Seminars in Metaphysics and reminds members to pay dues: 
For more information, email Tyler Tritten at: [email protected], or phone him at: 509-3313-4330
  • Check out recent WCAT, "Open Door" radio interviews by our colleagues James Hanink and Mario Ramos-Reyes at: WCAT RADIO OPEN DOOR
  • Go to the following link to find out how to acquire a Master's Degree in Theology through the Institute of Catholic Theology and Franciscan University of Steubenville: Master's Degree in Theology ICS and FUS
  • For those who might have missed it last month, the Aquinas School of Leadership repeats AND ADDS TO ITS announcement of its mid-September 2021 Start of the Commonsense Wisdom Liberal Arts Academy (CWLLA), which will offer the required core curriculum for the upper level Commonsense Wisdom Executive Coaching Academy (CWECA)

Dear Friends, Colleagues, 

Coinciding with the fall start of the Commonsense Wisdom Executive Coaching Academy (CWECA), the Aquinas School of Leadership (ASL) announces the September 2021 start of a preparatory school (The Commonsense Wisdom Liberal Arts Academy [CWLAA]) that will offer the required core curriculum courses for upper-level CWECA courses.

Evident is that the highly centralized, heavily bureaucratic colleges and universities born during the Western Enlightenment's Mechanistic Age are increasingly proving themselves incapable of financially remaining in existence and of producing leaders capable of commonsense understanding and prudently and wisely directing the new hierarchical/heterarchical organizations generated by the highly disruptive organizational, cultural psychology of the contemporary Digital Age. 

As these overspecialized, administratively centralized and overbearing Enlightenment colleges and universities start to fall like dominoes, they are leaving in their wake a cultural, psychological vacuum in the form of widespread lack of cultural common sense, understanding, wisdom, and prudence; and an inability on the part of many people commonsensically to listen to and/or converse with anyone with whom a person psychologically disagrees.

Filling that immediate gap demands more than creation of an upper-level educational academy (CWECA) to prepare specialists in generalization for cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural dialogue and leadership. It requires that such leaders first be rigorously trained in uncommon commonsense understanding, wisdom, and prudence in liberal arts activities of listening and speaking; conceiving, judging, and reasoning; note-taking and outlining, writing and reading. Only such psychologically trained liberal arts behavioral specialists, intellectually and morally immersed in such an uncommon commonsense communications background in understanding, wisdom, and prudence, can help give birth to tomorrow's cultural and global leaders capable of securing local, national, and international peace and civilizational development.

To some extent, alternative forms of primary and secondary education that have come into existence over the past couple of decades and a few remaining, relatively good educational institutes and centers, high schools, colleges, and universities can assist in this effort. However, pretty much globally, widespread complaints exist within and outside of contemporary cultural organizations that, for the most part, we human beings today have lost much of our traditional common sense. I concur.

Such being the case, these new forms of education and somewhat healthy educational institutions are not enough. Nothing short of a swift, widespread, total, liberal arts educational immersion in commonsense, and uncommon commonsense understanding, prudence, and wisdom can get us out of the cultural and civilizational mess we are in. The Commonsense Wisdom Liberal Arts Academy (CWLAA) will serve as the gateway, preparatory school, for this educational immersion.

Immediately below I refer to contributions currently being made in the form of course offerings and books related to the work of this Academy. If you think everything is fine with the contemporary world, no need exists for you to check these out. If, on the other hand, you agree with me, I invite you to check out the information below and to contact me and join my colleagues and me as we start building the groundwork for the uncommon commonsense educational institutions of the future.

Best wishes,

Peter A. Redpath

CEO, Aquinas School of Leadership, LLC

[email protected]


  • Go to the following link for information about Cluny media and their work:

Cluny Media

  • Go to the following link for the Institute of Catholic Theology's events, and offerings in apologetics: ICT Events
  • Click on the following link for information about "Sound of Freedom–
    The Real Life Fight to End Child Trafficking":

  • See the recent email below from our colleague Richard Taylor about new events involving the "Aquinas and ‘the Arabs’ International Working Group (AAIWG)":

Dear Colleagues,

Please share this widely with interested colleagues and students.
The Aquinas and ‘the Arabs’ International Working Group (AAIWG) now provides lists of Current Events relevant to the study of philosophy in the Abrahamic Traditions with updates every month on the 1st and the 15th of the month.
One set of events concerns Philosophy in the Lands of Islam: Events. This is maintained and edited by AAIWG graduate student members Nicoletta Nativo and Seth Kreeger. To contribute notices, email: [email protected].
Another set of events concerns Philosophy & Theology in Medieval Europe: Events. This is maintained and edited by AAIWG graduate student members Esra Isik and Abdussamet Özkan. To contribute notices of events, email them at [email protected].
Links to both lists are available at
Monthly notices of these listings of events on philosophy in the Abrahamic Traditions are sent by AAIWG graduate student member Nathaniel and by AAIWG Dr. Ismail Kurun. To be removed or to be added to notifications, email them at [email protected].
Regards, Richard Taylor, AAIWG
Marquette University & KULeuven
  • Go to the link immediately below for many other announcements about interviews, upcoming conferences and CFPs, publications, and different society and organization events:

Aquinas School of Leadership Announcements

  • Go to the following link for information from Thomisitca about the Thomistic Institute in Warsaw decision to publish St. Thomas's Opera Omnia in Polish:

  • The Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies announces publication of a revised edition of Etienne Gilson’s Reason and Revelation in the Middle Ages

Edited by James K. Farge

116 pp. • ISBN 978-0-88844-428-8 • Paper • $20

For more information, go to:

  • The Coalition for Jewish Values seeks support at:

  • Acquisitions Editor with Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, Sue Saad, announces:
Kendall Hunt Publishing is an innovative publishing company with 75 years’ experience that focuses on developing publications that effectively integrate materials, technology and content specifically aligned with course objectives.

I am contacting you today because we are in the process of identifying candidates to author and/or partner with us to create new publications.

We are on a mission to increase student engagement and save students money by enabling professors to create course content tailored to their specific needs. Whether you’ve considered publishing your own work or would simply like to customize your current content to meet the needs of your course, we may be able to help.

If you have interest in learning more, please respond to this email or reach out with the information below.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Sue Saad
Acquisitions Editor
Kendall Hunt Publishing Company
732.985.2244 | [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>
  • See the announcement at the link below of a CFP for an international conference, 04 to 05 November 2021 in Toruń, Poland, on Challenges between art and medicineto religious identity in public life
  • Go to the link immediately below to listen to WCAT TV's presentation of Daniel Fitzpatrick speaking about his recent translation of Dante:

Daniel Fitzpatrick talking about Dante

Listen, also, to recent webinar discussing the work of Daniel and sculptor Timothy lSchmalz in one or both the two links immediately below:

Check out the following link for information about Tim's sculptures related to Dante:
See the following link related the connection between the preceding work by Daniel and Timothy and the 600th-year celebration of Dante's birth:
  • While you are saying a rosary for Ray, and reflecting on Dante, you might want to say a rosary for our colleague, Jim Hanink, who has decided to run for Governor of California:
  • See the letter below from our colleague, Fr. Pawel Tarasiewicz, inviting articles in theology for possible publication in a renowned Polish journal:

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing to inquire whether you know anyone who would be interested in publishing in Studia Elckie (a journal of Catholic theology, with which I am cooperating as a member of the academic council; please visit it at: In my opinion, it is an excellent platform for promoting Catholic theologians on an international level. So, please do not hesitate to recommend it to all your colleagues and fellows looking for a venue for publishing their papers. I encourage all interested to contact Fr. Marcin Sienkowski, the editor-in-chief of Studia Elckie ([email protected]).

Blessings and regards,

Fr. Pawel

P.S. The list of those who have already published papers in English in Studia Elckie can be found at:*sc.article*c_0journalNames_0eq.e%25C5%2582ckie*l_0*c_0fulltext_0eq.all


  • Roger R. Ream, President for the Fund for American Studies Announces:
The Fund for American Studies’ latest Teaching Freedom eBook titled, "The Legitimate Role of Government in a Free Society".

It’s written by my dear friend, the late Walter E. Williams. Walter was a highly respected American economist, commentator, and academic. He was also the John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University, as well as a syndicated columnist and author.

In this new Teaching Freedom eBook, Walter answers the following questions (and many more):

  • What was the original idea for the role of government in a free society?
  • Was the United States of America founded to be a Democratic country or a Republic and what is the difference?
  • How has the explosion of the size of government been justified through the years by politicians?
  • Does the Constitution explicitly state the role of the federal government?
  • What is the primary mechanism for the government to manage the expansion or shrinking of your liberty?
  • What is the eventual conclusion of an ever-expanding government?
You can claim your free copy of this eBook by using the secure link below:

Thank you for your time and consideration of teaching freedom and America’s founding principles to future leaders.


  • Our colleague Ken Bryson announces recent publication of a new book entitled: What do We Know About God?: Theological, Philosophical, and Existential Arguments Concerning the Nature of God 

For more information, go to:

  • The Catholic Theological Faculty, Univerzita Karlova, Prague, Czech Republic announces a conference honoring prof. PhDr. Stanislav Sousedík, CSc. on his 90th birthday

Dates: 2729 October 2021  

For more information, go to:

  • The Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland announces a CFP for its 28th international conference on Learning

Dates: 07-09 July 2021

For more information and to submit a proposal by the 07 February deadline, go to: 

  •  Bishop Barron's Word on Fire Institute announces: 

Word on Fire Academic, a new publishing imprint for scholarly publications—from textbooks, to published dissertations, to academic volumes—that contribute to the "great conversation" by embarking upon original research and meticulous intellectual investigation.

This new publishing line is the fourth for Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, which also continues to release books through the Word on Fire Institute, its Word on Fire Classics line, and the original Word on Fire imprint.

The first Word on Fire Academic book, Holly Ordway’s Tolkien’s Modern Reading: Middle-earth Beyond the Middle Ages, was just released a few days ago!

Tolkien's Modern Reading challenges the widely accepted view that J.R.R. Tolkien was dismissive of modern culture. Drawing on meticulous archival research, Ordway shows how Tolkien’s genius was intimately connected with the literature of his own time and concerned with the issues and crises of the modern world.

Watch the video and learn more right here:

See the note immediately below from Jude P. Dougherty (R.I.P.) about the Aquinas School of Leadership Commonsense Wisdom Executive Coaching Academy (CWECA): 
Dear Peter,
Permit me to express my amazement as your new academy takes shape. You have brought together an outstanding group of Catholic scholars to discuss the fundamentals of Western culture.The ten courses that I have examined are a virtual encyclopedia. The Catholic faith is under attack by a hostile media that is not even pagan. The pagans did not reject Christ, they did not know Christ. Modernity rules the air waves and the visual media. The Church needs the philosophical defense of its word and culture. Obviously, to defend the Church is to defend Western culture, but readers need to be made aware of the treasure they have in this culture. If I read your intent correctly, it is to make all who are interested understand that treasure. I heartily endorse your efforts.  May you succeed beyond all expectations. That is my prayer.
Jude P. Dougherty (R.I.P.)
Dean Emeritus
School of Philosophy
Catholic University of America
Washington, DC
  • Go the recent press release from Pace University Press regarding the Lex Naturalis journal

12 December 2020: PACE UNIVERSITY PRESS RELEASES THE LATEST VOLUME OF LEX NATURALIS Peer-Reviewed Journal Continues the Debate on Natural Law NEW YORK, NY –

Pace University Press is pleased to announce the release of its annual journal Lex Naturalis – A Journal of Natural Law. Now in its fifth volume, this peer-reviewed journal features articles on subjects ranging from Aquinas on the freedom of the conscious to the future of American democracy. Articles include: “MacIntyre, Natural Law, and Natural Rights” by Joseph Trabbic looks at MacIntyre’s concept of natural rights, such as his claim that all rights are institutional facts, and how Macintyre’s ideas compare to Thomistic natural law. “The Future of American Democracy: Personalist Natural Law” by R. Mary Hayden Lemmons, addresses the argument that the Constitution serves as a specification of American natural law that presents key objective and universal truths justified by a natural law tradition reaching back to ancient Greece. These and other articles provide a timely resource for current-day discussions going on around the world.

For a complete Table of Contents or to place an order, visit

Go here for more information about the Lex Naturalis journal:

ISBN: 978-1-935625-56-8 Price: $40

ABOUT PACE UNIVERSITY PRESS: A small dynamic academic press with wide-ranging interests, Pace University Press currently publishes seven journals. From the prestigious Woolf Studies Annual to the more recent The Journal of Comics and Culture, their publications make peer-reviewed research both available and accessible.

  • Our colleague Ed Macierowski shares an important message with us immediately below:

Dear Colleagues,

Permit me to share with you this collection of articles from the forthcoming English version of The Universal Encyclopedia of Philosophy: UniversalEncyclopediaOfPhilosophy

This project, stemming from the work of philosophers at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin in Poland, will doubtless be of interest to you and to our students here at Benedictine College. The scholars at Lublin constituted a voice in the wilderness of Soviet domination to express and enculturate the truth found in the classical philosophical tradition.

Our recent efforts to restore the classics major here with the study of Greek and Latin and that of our colleagues in theology to enable interested students to begin the study of Hebrew are steps we are taking to advance the intellectual life in America, where our culture is sometimes also submerged under an instrumentalist and utilitarian spiritual horizon.

Please do look over these encyclopedia articles. I believe it will be to our advantage to help amplify the voice of the Lublin school of Thomism in this country and to help our students to grow in intellect, character, and grace to find, to meditate upon, and to communicate the truth. As I learn more about Catholic culture in Poland, I find many treasures that may well be adaptable to and fruitful for our life here in the States.

Perhaps we can turn the restrictions imposed by the current pandemic into an opportunity for interior, spiritual growth. This Universal Encyclopedia of Philosophy can provide one avenue for such growth. In my view we should subscribe to the project and lend any other help we can to help speed up its accessibility in English.

Best wishes for a happy and holy Christmas,


E. M. Macierowski

  • Go to the link immediately below to view information from Hillsdale College about its free online courses:

Hillsdale College Free Online Courses

  • Go to the following link to find ways to help the Daughters of St. Paul:
  1. A financial offering. Donate safely online: OR by check to "Daughters of St. Paul" (memo: "pandemic fund"): Sr. Patricia Mary Maresca, FSP / Daughters of St. Paul / 50 Saint Paul's Ave. / Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
  2. Sign up HERE for a huge Nov. 13-15, 2020 CATHOLIC MOM'S VIRTUAL SUMMIT (a percentage of your entrance fee goes to Daughters of St. Paul): choose "all access pass" where you can access all the talks even after Nov. 15 before the price goes up:
  3. Pray! Commit to pray for vocations to the Daughters and for our mission of spreading the Gospel through media.
  • Go to the link immediately below to view the Acton Institute's recent announcement of US and Canadian mini-grants for research and teaching in free market economics:
  • Go to the link immediately below to see the Trinity Forum's announcement of readings featuring selections from the gripping Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass:

  • See link below for free online course being offered by Dallas Theological Seminary on Revelation:

A man who has never feared going into the lion's den!

  • Public Philosophy Society announces new posts, reading groups, and other events at:

  • Go to the following link to for information about a new media launch by the Daughters of St. Paul:

  • Go to the following link for information about how to register for upcoming events at the Institute of Catholic Theology:

  • The Lyceum Institute announces new educational opportunities at the following links:


  • Go to the following link for information about the Thomistic Institute's Fall Thomistic Circles Conference and the Summa theologiae student reading group:

  • Go to the following link to join the Ignatius Press new Formed Book Club:

  • Go to the following link to help publicize and end current-day Nigerian genocide:

  • Fr. Joseph Fessio announces Theology online courses:

He will be offering online theology courses with lectures on each book chapter, study questions, and video clips with the answer to each of the study questions, and exams.

For more information, go to:

  • Our colleague Brian Kemple announces formation of the Lyceum Institute:
The Lyceum Institute, which provides a flexible, classical, Thomistic, and semiotic approach to continuing and continual digital education.  For more information, go to:
  • Ignatius Press announces daily snippets of receive a snippet of Catholic wisdom 

Get these every morning from literary giants, beloved saints, and relevant voices from today. Read them in 60 seconds, live it out the rest of the day. Plus enjoy exclusive discounts on the products Ignatius Press feature every day!

To start receiving these every day, go to:

  • Announcing a new book publication by our colleague Ken Bryson:

What do We know about God?

Book description: There are few subjects known to mankind that has drawn more interest, exploration, and publication than the nature of God and our relationship to Him as human beings. Many approaches to the study stand wholly on a platform of religious doctrine and dogma. Other approaches are secular in nature and rely solely on rational and philosophical arguments. Dr. Ken Bryson brings to the field an approach that applies a balance between these two extremes. As a Christian, Ken bases his arguments in biblical theology and then builds upon this foundation with reason and philosophy drawn from many of the most prominent thinkers in both ancient and modern history.

For more information about this work and best link for lowest prices in Kindle and paperback editions, go to:


  • In celebration of the septuacentennial of Dante Alieghieri's Divine Comedy, En Route Books & Media announces a beautiful, new translation of his Inferno by Daniel Fitzpatrick and illustrated by sculptor Timothy Schmalz

For more information about how to obtain a copy of this work, go to:

  • Editor of The Journal of Moral Philosophy, Christian Miller, announces that he looking for reviewers for recently published books dating from 2017 to present; anyone interested in writing a review should contact him at

[email protected]

  • Follow different episodes  of "The Absolutes" podcast, hosted by our colleague Greg Reichberg at: The Absolutes 
  • Go to the following links for information from Carmelite Monks in Wyoming about their new ventures:
  • Click on the following link for a topical index to the works of Mortimer J. Adler:
  • The Reality Journal announces publication of its first issue:

Dear Friends of Reality,

I am pleased to announce that the first issue of Reality has been completed and is now available in both a free digital, PDF format as well as in a paperback through Amazon’s print-on-demand service, at a modest price.  I am pleased with the paperback’s quality: it is an attractive, readable volume—and not bad for our first attempt, I might add!  Further details about the issue can be foundhere (as well as links to both formats).

This issue comprises an editorial introduction and four articles, each paired with a peer-review response or comment.  While I believe that each contribution is worthy of consideration on its own, together they form something I think both rare and needed in our current philosophical environment: a cohesively-themed volume that engages in genuine discourse about a topic sorely in need of discussion.  I am proud of the quality of writing, scholarship, and philosophical insight we have managed to combine in the span of a few hundred pages, and optimistic about the future of our journal.  To that end, I have attached a few calls for papers: for both the upcoming issues of Reality and a general call for essays and book reviews.  If you know of anyone who would be interested in submitting (professors, graduate students, or other well-qualified authors), please send them along.

Thank you for your time and your interest, and please feel free to contact me with any comments or questions (or to ask for removal from this list if you want no further notifications).


Brian Kemple, Ph. D.

Executive Editor, On behalf of the Reality Editorial Team

[email protected]

  • "La Civiltà Cattolica" journal announces launch of new edition in simplified Chinese:

  • Thomas L. Spalding, James M. Stedman, Christina L. Gagné, and Matthew Kostelecky announce publication of:

The Human Person: What Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas Offer Modern Psychology

Book description: This book introduces the Aristotelian-Thomistic view of the human person to a contemporary audience, and reviews the ways in which this view could provide a philosophically sound foundation for modern psychology. The book presents the current state of psychology and offers critiques of the current philosophical foundations. In its presentation of the fundamental metaphysical commitments of the Aristotelian-Thomistic view, it places the human being within the broader understanding of the world.

For more information about this work in Kindle and hardcover editions, go to:

  • Peter A. Redpath announces his return to work with Brill Publishing as a member of the Editorial Board in the Philosophy and Religion (PAR) Special Series

For information about the PAR series with Brill go to:

Anyone interested in submitting a manuscript for publication in the PAR Special Series should email a letter of inquiry to: [email protected]

  • Announcing a "Call for Papers" for 2 official University Journals at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL)

1) Roczniki Kulturoznawcze (Annals of Cultural Studies) is a quarterly, interdisciplinary, cultural journal

For more information, see:

Also, contact the Editor, Prof. Imelda Chłodna-Błach at: [email protected]

2) Zeszyty Naukowe KUL (Kul Scientific Notebooks) is an interdisciplinary, scientific journal specializing in the role of values, conflict of values, and their transformations and impact on multicultural societies of Central and Eastern Europe. The main purpose of the Journal is to present research about the identification and description of values ​​as factors of fundamental importance for the functioning of modern societies, their legal and political systems, and their impact on social communication.

For more information, see:

Also, contact the Editor, Prof. Robert Kryński at: [email protected]

  • The Institute of Catholic Theology and the Franciscan University of Steubenville announce:

Applications are now open for undergraduate and graduate certificates in apologetics at:

  • Vrin Publishers announces that the first volume of the edited Oeuvres Completes of Étienne Gilson: Un Philosophe Dans La Cite. 1908-1943 (Bibliotheque Des Textes Philosophiques) (French Edition) (French) Paperback–as of 26 November 2019
  • See the link below to recently-published book by our colleague Jorge J. E. Gracia:

*Title:  With a Diamond in My ShoeA Philosopher's Search for Identity in America

The intellectual autobiography of a leading figure in the field of Latin American philosophy

Author: Jorge J. E. Gracia

Publisher: SUNY Series: Latin American and Iberian Thought and Culture


  • See the links immediately below for the C.S. Lewis Society of California, its Book and Film Club Schedule, and its Logos eNewsletter

  • Go to this link for upcoming Philadelphia-area events sponsored by the International Institute for Culture:
  • Divine Mercy University, Washington, D.C. announces scholarships available for graduate courses in:

Clinical Psychology, and Counseling

For more information, go to: 

  • Listen to Joseph Fessio, S.J.' s announcement at about the REVOLUTIONARY Angelicum Academy Great Books Program:

             "Angelicum Academy at Holy Apostles College"

1) It enables students to acquire an Associate's degree in the Great Books totally online by the end of 12th grade and a Bachelor's degree as little as two years later.

2) Thanks to the agreement between the Angelicum Academy and Holy Apostles College, total tuition cost for the BA degree is under $30,000, while the average total cost of a four-year BA in private colleges is $180,000+.

3) It includes 12 credits of online Theology courses developed for the Angelicum Academy by Fr. Joseph Fessio, S.J.

COLLEGE CREDITS: Angelicum Academy students may earn from 1-75 college credits while home schooling (in grades 9-12) or while in high school, or later. They may earn their accredited Associate’s degree (from Holy Apostles College -requires 60 credits) while in high school or home school (grades 9-12, or later), or they may take individual college-level courses for transfer elsewhere – to other of the hundreds of colleges and universities that accept ACE recommended credits. Students who earn their Associate’s degree while in home school (grades 9-12) or high school, may earn a further 15 credits then as well, enabling them to complete 75 credits towards their accredited bachelor’s degree (requires 120 credits) – that is nearly 2/3rds of their bachelor’s degree, for a fraction of the cost elsewhere.

For more information about this program, see:

  • The University of South Africa and the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin Thomistic Studies Research Doctoral Programs:

The University of South Africa in Pretoria has an online research doctoral program (PhD) in Philosophy that includes Thomistic studies. The Aquinas School of Leadership in the US is helping to promote this program for students contemplating, or currently, pursuing a graduate Master’s degree in Thomistic Studies and link this degree from the University of South Africa to  a follow-up, second Ph. D. degree from the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin.

The costs of the program include 7,840 South African Rand for the research proposal, which equals $643 US Dollars, then, 15,400 South African Rand per year, which equals $1,263 US Dollars per year. The time limit for completion of the Pretoria program is 6 years.

For information about this program, contact Dr. Peter A. Redpath at:

[email protected]

  • Announcing CEINDO internationaldoctoral collaboration scholarships

CEINDO collaboration scholarships aim to reward academic achievement and active collaboration with a CEINDO doctoral institution. For these purposes, a tuition scholarship is being offered for each of official doctoral program of CEINDO. CEINDO, or CEU,International School of Doctoral Studies brings together research groups made up of doctors with proven track records in research.

CEINDO’s teaching project focuses on training large groups of researchers specializing in the diverse programs offered by the School. The main goal is to establish a network of internationally renowned researchers. To these ends, all three CEU Universities promote inter-university doctoral programs and foster collaboration among the most prestigious university institutions, enabling trainee researchers to participate in research projects of European and international repute.

For more information about CEINDO, see:

The doctoral program in Humanities for the Contemporary World has three lines: Philosophy, History, and Literature. It is possible to follow this program online with the University Abat Oliba in Barcelona, but knowledge of the Spanish language is required.

For more information about CEINDO, or CEU, doctoral program in Philosophy at the University Abaat Oliba, in Barcelona, Spani, contact Prof. Enrique Martinez at: [email protected]

  • The Clarity Fund for the Study of Reason, Moral Law, and Culture, announces its formation and activities here:

  • The journal Scientia et Fides:

A joint-venture, open-access, online journal published twice a year by the Faculty of Theology of Nicolaus Copernicus University, in Torun, Poland, in collaboration with the Group of Research “Science, Reason, and Faith” [CRYF], at University of Navarra seeks rigorous research works regarding different aspects of the relationship between science and religion. SetF articles are not confined to the methodology of a single discipline and may cover a wide range of topics, provided that the interdisciplinary dialogue between science and religion is tackled. The Journal accepts articles written in English, Spanish, Polish, French, Italian, and German, which will be evaluated by a peer-review process.

For further information about publishing articles in SetF, see:

  • Check out the following terrific links for locating works by St. Thomas Aquinas:

  • Follow the progress of, and help to complete, the Latin-English edition of the Opera Omnia of St. Thomas Aquinas by going to:

You can download scholarly works to your computer, bookmark them, read them from the computer, send them to a printer, etc.

For example, immediately below are offerings related to Mortimer J. Adler and St. Thomas Aquinas:

Adler offerings:[]=author

Aquinas offerings:

You can download them to your computer, bookmark them and read them from the computer, send them to a printer, etc.

● Some YouTube Videos from past annual Aquinas Leadership International World Congresses are available for viewing

To view these videos, go to the following link on the Aquinas School of Leadership's "Events" menu:

●  Aquinas School of Philosophy Site: Rich in Resources Related to St. Thomas

For anyone interested in studying, or teaching courses on, St. Thomas, the Aquinas School of Philosophy site offers a wealth of educational information you might want to check out. See:

Also, see a list of thought-provoking articles by Aquinas School of Philosophy founder Dr. Dennis Bonnette at this site:

  • Support the work of the Benedict XVI Institute here:

  • Check out the following link for latest offerings from the Liberty Fund:

  • Check out the following link for Journey Film's Streaming titles:

  • Check out new publications from Public Philosophy Press:

  • Check new publications from En Route Books & Media, St. Augustine's Press, and Ignatius Press at: